EAA Applauds Congressional Agreement on FAA Reauthorization

EAA News - EAA Applauds Congressional Agreement on FAA Reauthorization Bill:

EAA Applauds Congressional Agreement on FAA Reauthorization Bill Could avoid another short-term extension of funding January 20, 2012 - The stalemate blocking the advance of an FAA reauthorization bill appears to have been broken late Friday afternoon, when U.S. House and Senate leaders reached agreement on key labor-union issues that had stalled the measure for years. Lawmakers were facing a Jan. 31 deadline on the current continuing resolution that had funded FAA. According to news reports, Republicans agreed to remove a controversial labor union organizing provision while Democrats to actions that would raise the threshold for union representation. “After 22 short-term funding extensions, EAA is very pleased to see Congressional leaders agree on the need to approve long-term funding for the FAA,” said Doug Macnair, EAA’s vice president of government relations. “We appreciate these efforts because it will allow FAA the ability to do essential planning and put such important programs as NextGen into motion.” A formal bill must still be drafted but congressional sources believe that can easily be done prior to the Jan. 31 deadline.



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