Supporting Aviation's Future

The Gathering’s Impact on EAA Youth Initiatives

By EAA Staff

This year’s Gathering of Eagles fundraising event at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh brought together the aviation industry and private aviation enthusiasts to support aviation’s future. The event raised $2.679 million, and after expenses, EAA will invest approximately $2.17 million in its youth programs. The Gathering is presented by Cessna Aircraft Company.

Each year, EAA invests more than $3.3 million in youth education and programs, including the Young Eagles Flight Plan. And it’s working; nearly 19,000 of today’s pilots under age 35 are former Young Eagles.

Mentoring aviation’s future pilots, homebuilders, engineers, mechanics, and designers is necessary to build a vibrant and growing aviation community. As Sean D. Tucker said when he was introduced as the new Young Eagles chairman during this year’s Gathering of Eagles, “These kids are our legacy!”

EAA youth programs and activities supported in part by the Gathering of Eagles:

• Free first flight experience for approximately 80,000 young people each year

• Dedicated, restricted funds for flight training scholarships helping applicants achieve their sport pilot or private pilot certificate

• Free EAA student membership extended to 24,000 Young Eagles

• $150,000 in Young Eagles credits as financial awards to EAA chapters who support local youth education programs

• Funding to support the Young Eagles Flight Plan reimbursement program, providing applicants with $150 to support their FAA written exam

• First flight lesson vouchers extended to all Young Eagles Flight Plan participants who complete the first portion of the online training program

• Insurance coverage for the Young Eagles flight program

• Young Eagles Flight Plan operational support, including facilities, website, public outreach, IT support, and other key expenses

• Introducing 25,000 youth to all aspects of flight at KidVenture, held during AirVenture, through principles, mechanics, design, engineering, and flight simulation

• Promoting the full enrollment of all Air Academy camp sessions

• Maximizing the impact, diversity, and reach of museum education, Flight Link, and Scout programs and Space Week

• Support for EAA’s advanced education, internship, tuition, and scholarship initiative

• Women Soar career- and aviation-focused mentor experiences for 100 girls during AirVenture

• AirVenture Museum’s on-site and electronic education programs, workshops, experiences, exhibits, and resources that expand the educational impact of EAA.

These educational programs and activities challenge and inspire young people; increase interest in math, science, and technology; and grow participation in aviation. EAA thanks all who help light the fire of discovery for today’s young people. Thank you for your support!


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