AERO 2013 is flying high again: Slated for April 24-27

Friedrichshafen - With an attractive program, more exhibitors and plenty of special events, the AERO, held in Friedrichshafen from April 24th to 27th, is flying high. The entire spectrum of modern general aviation - powered aircraft, gliders, and ultralights, as well as helicopters and business jets - will be presented, along with their related maintenance services. In addition, there will be extensive special exhibitions like the Engine Area and the Avionics Avenue, which makes its premiere this year. A comprehensive conference program, as well as the first ever AEROCareer, a job fair for careers in aviation, make the global show for aviation at Lake Constance even more attractive. With more than 600 exhibitors from 30 countries, the AERO will once again meet a very high trade show standard, according to Messe Friedrichshafen CEO Klaus Wellmann and project leader Roland Bosch. As Roland Bosch said in summing up the larger number of exhibitor registrations: “The AERO is the leading trade show for general aviation in Europe.”

After a few rather mediocre years, manufacturers in the general aviation industry - the entire sphere of civil aviation excluding airline and charter traffic - are once again feeling the wind beneath their wings. In Germany for example, the number of single-engine aircraft registered in the up to 2 ton “echo class” increased slightly in 2012. The demand by larger companies for business aircraft - either jets or turboprops - is also recovering from its recent dry spell. Fuel-efficient ultralight and light sport aircraft have been in demand for years, as have gyrocopters, which have been booming. The world’s leading glider manufacturers will also exhibit again at this year’s AERO, continuing their tradition at the show. As part of the fifth “e-flight expo”, innovative alternative propulsion aircraft will be presented under the motto “electrical, ecological, evolutionary.”

Engine Area: Efficient Propulsion

The Engine Area, which will take place at the AERO for the second time, will look at everything related to modern and efficient propulsion in aviation: Fuel-efficient diesel and gasoline piston engines, electric motors and turbines will be available here, as will hybrid drives and classic aircraft engines.

Avionics Avenue: Trends and Innovation

The Avionics Avenue is celebrating its premiere: Leading avionics manufacturers will be presenting their newest innovations in electronic flight instrument systems (EFIS), collision warning systems, weather radar, and navigations and communications in Hall A6. European mandates require that new radio communications devices using the 8.33 kHz band be in use in new aircraft beginning in late 2013, and for all existing ultralights, gliders and powered aircraft by 2018. Communications equipment manufacturers can therefore expect especially high visitor numbers.

International Exhibitors

The AERO has made a name for itself far outside Europe’s borders. One sign of this is the presence of the many North American aircraft, engine and avionics manufacturers who will be exhibiting on the shores of Lake Constance. Companies from the United States make up the largest contingent of international AERO exhibitors, and include industry leader Cessna, who will be on hand with several aircraft, as well as the avionics manufacturer Garmin. Aviation companies from Australia, Brazil, Russia and China will also be in attendance at the AERO 2013.

Single and Twin-Engine Aircraft

Single and twin-engine piston-driven aircraft are the largest category at the AERO, both in terms of exhibition space and number of machines on display. Flying this type of aircraft, which has proven itself in many decades of operation and makes up the largest share of the world’s general aviation fleet, requires a private or professional pilot’s license. Highly anticipated is the appearance of the newest four-seater single-engine models from Pipistrel and Flight Design, which may make their maiden flights by the time of the AERO.

Ultralight, Light Sport and European Light Aircraft

The ultralight aircraft category will once again have largest number of objects on display. These machines have one or two seats and weigh no more than 472 kilograms. Because the pilot’s license needed to flight them is relatively easy to acquire, and because the machines are quiet and economical to maintain, ultralights have been experiencing a boom for years. This phenomenon has also been strengthened by the appearance of ultralight gyrocopters, a type of aircraft which has gained many fans in recent years and which is acquiring even more interest since the increase in their allowable weight limit from 450 to 560 kilograms. Other ultralights, in the form of traditional and motor gliders, will also be on display in Friedrichshafen. Finally, visitors will also be able to get a look at some innovative light aircraft equipped electric engines.

New Pilot’s License in the United States

Since the United States introduced a new pilot’s license for single-engine light aircraft that can be obtained relatively quickly and easily, and with less stringent health requirements than other licenses, so-called light sport aircraft (LSAs) have been experiencing rapid growth. LSAs have two seats, weigh no more than 600 kilograms and are not permitted to fly faster than 120 knots, or about 220 kilometers per hour. European and American manufacturers will be showing their latest LSA models at the AERO.

New ELA Models

Europe also has something comparable to America’s light sport aircraft: European light aircraft (ELA). Unlike their US counterparts, ELAs are not subject to an engineered speed limit in Europe, meaning that retractable landing gear and variable pitch propellers are possible. With a maximum takeoff weight of 600 kilograms, ELA-1 aircraft fill the gap between ultralights, which weigh up to 472 kilograms, and very light aircraft (VLA), with weights up to 750 kilograms. Several companies will be presenting new ELA models at the AERO.

Business Aviation

Business aircraft are also a focus of the aviation industry: They range from the one and two-engine piston-driven aircraft from Diamond Aircraft, Cirrus Aircraft, Piper and Tecnam, to single or multi-engine aircraft with turboprops and even on up to premiere-class multi-engine jets. In addition to turboprops from Pilatus and Beechcraft, visitors will be able to see several jets at the AERO, including the Cessna’s Citation models and business jets from Brazil’s Embraer. Next to fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters will also be part of the business aviation category at the AERO, including turbine helicopters.

Gliders: All Major Manufacturers in Attendance

Since its inception, the AERO has been a home for devotees of silent flight. All of the major glider manufacturers, including the global market leaders from Germany, will present their one and two-seaters at the AERO, ranging from entry-level gliders all the way up to exclusive competition gliders, the so-called super orchids. Motor gliders, which can be launched without a towplane or winch, continue to be popular. These machines, equipped with retractable engines, folding propellers, or in their classical variant, with internal combustion or electric motors, are becoming more and more widespread.
Helicopters: New Models
Helicopters will again be a special focus of the AERO 2013. A clear sign of this is the fact that several current helicopter designs, new developments and accessories will be presented at the show. Exotic, multi-rotor volocopters will also be on display. Small and training helicopters with piston engines, as well as larger turbine helicopters will be on hand.

Observe by Air

For the first time, research and unmanned aircraft will have a section of their own at this year’s AERO. In Hall A7, unmanned aircraft like a Diamond Airborne Sensing DA-42, equipped with sensor and measurement technology, will be presented. In addition, civil application fields for drones will be on show, as well as research projects using manned and unmanned aircraft, like the Zeppelin atmospheric research project.


This job fair at the AERO helps inform school pupils, college students and even employed persons interested in a career change about training and career opportunities in aviation. Employers and universities will present themselves and their education and training programs in workshops, personal discussions and a job market. Furthermore, thanks to the “AIRStudent” program, supported by the Lake Constance Area Economic Development Office and numerous corporate sponsors, students pursuing aviation-related degrees will have the opportunity to visit the AERO and establish valuable contacts with potential employers.

AERO Conferences

Under the umbrella of the AERO Conferences, more than 100 lectures and discussions will be held on current topics in aviation. Furthermore, many presentations and workshops will be offered by German and international pilots’ and aviation associations.

AERO Tent City

After last year’s successful premiere offering of lodging in tents directly at the fairgrounds, this practice will be continued in 2013. Once again, visitors will be offered short overnight stays at affordable rates in the AERO Tent City in Hall A2. The tents themselves will be provided; visitors need only bring a sleeping bag. Tents and mats for one or two people can be booked online, starting approximately in late February.

PPR Slots for Pilots

For pilots who wish to fly themselves to the AERO, in 2013 Messe Friedrichshafen and the Friedrichshafen Airport will continue the slot registration regime which has proven its worth over the last several years. Slot requests will be possible starting in early April; more information is available under “travel” at

From Thursday to Saturday, ultralight aircraft and motor gliders can also use the Markdorf glider field, located ten kilometers west of the Friedrichshafen Airport. From there, a shuttle bus will take visitors to the AERO (see “travel” at
The entrance for pilots who land in Friedrichshafen, as well as their passengers, will once again be through the Zeppelin departure terminal (Zeppelin Hangar Restaurant), directly on the fairgrounds. This will make entry to the AERO as simple and fast as possible.

The AERO 2013 will begin on Wednesday, April 24 and last until Saturday, April 27, 2013. Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

More information is available at


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