GAMA Convenes Rotorcraft Safety and Certification Forum

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), along with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) and the Helicopter Association International (HAI) called together aviation stakeholders to discuss the existing regulations governing rotorcraft design (Part 27 & Part 29).

“We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to address and change regulations impacting the long-term health of our industry on a global basis,” said Pete Bunce, President & CEO of GAMA. “It’s absolutely critical that we continue our work and seize this moment to create significant and meaningful change in how regulations are developed and how they affect business and commerce around the world. Technology has brought about so much change and efficiency in the way we do business, but it has also left industry wanting to improve and update antiquated rules that often hamstring the ability of manufacturers and regulators to bring safety enhancing technologies to operators. Government authorities and industry are working together in a harmonized and energized effort to modernize rulemaking to increase safety and spark innovation in the global rotorcraft industry.”

On Feb. 22, 2013, the FAA began requesting comments and information on the public’s interest in restructuring the rotorcraft airworthiness standards of normal category, as well as transport category rotorcraft. The FAA is soliciting public input and looking for recommendations for innovative approaches to ensure rotorcraft airworthiness standards are more efficient and adaptable to future technology. Also, this action taken by the FAA, in coordination with EASA, Transport Canada, and other international aviation regulators is an effort to develop recommendations for possible FAA-international rulemaking action.
The GAMA-AEA-HAI rotorcraft safety discussion successfully brought together government and industry leaders to strategize on how the numerous detailed technical issues within Part 27 and Part 29 could be updated to address the current and future needs of the industry. The FAA is asking for comments to be filed by May 23, 2013. For more information visit


The FAA’s Annual General Aviation Forecast


From Skies to Stars - April 2013