Fifteen Million Global Visits to “The Davis-Monthan Airfield Register” Online Spurs Launch of Five New Aviation History Web sites

Delta Mike Airfield, Inc., a 501(c)3 educational producer of online and print materials chronicling America’s rich aviation heritage between the world wars, launches interrelated companion Web sites celebrating five other famous airfields around the United States.

Delta Mike Airfield, Inc. proudly announces release of five related Web sites to expand its educational holdings online. The five new sites celebrate the aircraft and people who landed and signed the Golden Age Airfield Registers at Clover Field, Santa Monica, CA (, Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, CA (, Parks Field, East St. Louis, IL (, Peterson Field, Colorado Springs, CO ( and Pitcairn Field, Willow Grove, PA (

Each interactive site stands alone. Each is crafted as an attractive and engaging exposition of 20th century aviation history. However, important linkages are made among the sites. Visitors will delight in discovering the overlap in the movements of people and aircraft from airfield to airfield.  The linkages clearly reveal the patterns of air traffic and, more broadly, the evolution of civil, commercial and military aviation in the United States during what historians call the Golden Age of Flight, nominally between the years 1920 and 1940.

 Since 2005, the non-profit company has also operated a sixth site,, which celebrates the history of the people, aircraft and aviation events recorded in the Register of the old Davis-Monthan Airfield,Tucson, AZ. Over fifteen million visitors around the globe have stopped by the site; hundreds are relatives of Register signers. Thousands more are students or authors of aviation history, or historians with interest in the people and aircraft.

Delta Mike Airfield president, Gary W. Hyatt based in Naples, FL states, “All together, my six Web sites now analyze the history of 21,667 Airfield Traffic Days between 1925 and 1942, across Airfield Registers that are trans-continental in scope. Each interactive site is driven by databases I built from handwritten records in the Airfield Registers. Now, embedded in the Web sites online, the databases form a rich, interactive environment for researching pilots, airplane registrations, and patterns of movement by people and machines across the United States during the period. The possibilities are bounded only by the dates of the Registers. My sites are the first and only extensive sources of information contained in these important Airfield Registers. They are now accessible to people around the world.”

All the Web sites are wholly owned by the non-profit corporation Delta Mike Airfield, Incorporated. The mission of the company is education, encouragement and support of historical aviation research and multi-media publication to enhance knowledge among public and private sectors around the globe. Specific emphasis is on the Golden Age of Flight. The company operates primarily, but not exclusively, through its Web sites. Other mixed media publications and public appearances also support the Company.  Delta Mike Airfield, Incorporated is a tax-exempt, public charity in accordance with U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3. Your donations can be made through any of the Web sites.

Hyatt concludes, “About fifteen million visitors have come to my first Web site. To the 30-percent of them who are repeat visitors, I have a track record of research, publications, enhancements and additions to that site. In turn, many have contributed information and photographs, for which I’m very grateful. What I offer is a compelling mix of history, biography, stories and engineering that breathes life back into the tens of thousands of people, aircraft and events recorded in the Registers.  Over the years to come, I’ll commit the time, resources and effort to build and maintain all my new sites to the same high levels of interest, value and robustness.”  


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