Flying Musicians

Flying Musicians Fleeing Cold for Sebring Sun

The Flying Musicians Association will feature FMA Solo Scholarship recipient, Drew Medina, on Saturday, Jan. 23, in Sebring, Fla., at the annual U.S. Sport Aviation Expo being held Jan. 20-23, 2016.

“U.S. Sport Aviation Expo is proud to support FMA and the passion they bring to the blending of music with aviation. This nonprofit group offers tremendous enthusiasm and inspiration for the sport of music and flying,” said Jana Filip, Expo Director. Music by members and friends of the Flying Musicians Association will fill the skies and the ramp at the Sebring Regional Airport. Visit the FMA daily from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. by the stage in the Aviators Hot Line Show Center Tent, to learn about our organization and our programs; join us for hangar flying and jamming. Bring your lunch and an appreciation for music daily from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m..

“We are very excited to have Drew Medina, FMA Solo recipient, speak and perform at noon on Saturday,” said John Zapp, FMA President and co-Founder. 

Students under 18 are invited to attend the Expo on Saturday FREE of charge when accompanied by an adult. Drew, a member and band captain of the Vero Beach (Florida) High School Band, will fly in on Saturday. “We hope that all students in the area who are excited about aviation and music will come out to hear this special presentation,” said John. He continued, “With nominations due from band directors by the end of January, we hope to inspire, educate, encourage, and assist many more students in the future.”

Do you know a junior or senior in high school band who has always wanted to learn to fly? It’s time for students, band directors, and parents to hear that the Flying Musicians Association, along with corporate members and sponsors, will sponsor recipients through solo in their flight training. Nominations from band directors are now being accepted. In addition, a FMA member will be there to mentor that student pilot in both aspirations––in aviation and music. In addition, training material and gear will also be made available when possible.

About the U. S. Sport Aviation Expo


Sebring Regional Airport will host the 10th annual Expo Jan. 20-23, 2016––the largest sport aircraft event in the world to “See, Try, Fly, and Buy” sport aircraft.


About the Flying Musicians Association, Inc. 

The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of pilots who are musicians spanning the globe, proficiency levels, and genres. The goal is to share our passions in order to inspire, educate, encourage, and assist others by creating enthusiasm and promoting personal growth in aviation and music.



Opportunity to Meet Legislators


GAMA Tax Extensions