Daher Single-Engine


Daher Welcomes Europe’s Approval of Commercial Air Transport Operations with Single-Engine Turbine Aircraft


Europe’s endorsement of single-engine turbine aircraft in Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations has been commented by Daher, whose TBM very fast turboprop family is increasingly used for such flights worldwide.


During a committee meeting last month, the European Commission voted for an amendment to regulations that should lead to authorization of commercial trips with single-engine turbine aircraft within six months. The remaining technical steps include a formal scrutiny period by the European Parliament and European Council to ensure the change in regulations is legally compliant.

“The committee’s positive vote reflects the well-established safety record of single-engine turbine aircraft, and enables continental Europe to join other regions of the world––including the U.S.––where commercial air transport operations have been approved for some time,” said Nicolas Chabbert, Senior Vice President of the Daher Airplane Business Unit, who is attending the EAA Oshkosh AirVenture fly-in at Wisconsin’s Wittman Regional Airport. 

 For more information, visit www.daher.com 




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