Increasing Your Advertised Message

As Associate Publisher of a general and business aviation news magazine, I often come across publications that offer advertising and only advertising. These publications do not have stories, advertorials, or press releases. While I understand that an advertiser might want to have an ad in a publication where the reader will not be distracted by stories and flamboyant pictures, I feel the need to disseminate the message that editorial can be a way to enhance advertising and to earn the highest return on investment.

            Editorial keeps the industry alive. For years, industry professionals have been hearing about the problematic pilot shortage. We have heard about flight schools struggling to attract new students, and prospective students complaining that the whole process is just too difficult and expensive. Flight school owners, museum directors, and other industry business owners rely on inspirational stories to get more students into the cockpit. Many of the flight students I have met over the years talk about their admiration for Julie Clark, Patty Wagstaff, Sean Tucker, and various aerobatic teams. Without editorial and storytelling, these stories cannot make their way into the hearts and minds of the younger generation. With the magazine being available in print, online, and through various social media channels, advertising in our editorial publication is a great way to gain business from future pilots and those who mentor them. This is a great strategy for long-term return on investment.

            Editorial enhances the advertised message. When your company becomes an advertiser in an editorial magazine like ours, there are endless opportunities to further the message through the color of your words. Advertisers are always welcome to send in press releases, which will run as priority editorial. There are also opportunities to be interviewed, to have a front-cover position, and to have stories featured on the front page of our website and in our podcast. Our readers still enjoy holding a magazine in their hands and reading a good story. They also like to go to our website to read current news, watch videos, and listen to our podcast. With all of these opportunities, the power of an ad triples and becomes that much more effective in terms of ROI.

            Editorial educates your prospects. Think of it this way: a reader has just finished reading a news article on the importance of ADS-B upgrades. On the next page, there is an ad for a parts house or avionics supplier. Editorial keeps your products and services fresh in the readers’ minds. News articles, stories, and educational editorials shape readers’ decisions on future purchases. This education keeps the reader current and keeps the customer coming back through your doors, increasing your ROI.

            Overall, aviation is a big industry with many different sub-categories. Every publication has its place, and it is up to you to decide which marketing channels work best for you. But as you are comparing media kit prices, consider the benefits that editorial can have on your marketed message. If you consider the benefits of reaching future generations, enhancing your message through the color of your words, or advertising alongside genuine, educational content, consider an editorial magazine such as In Flight USA for your future marketing needs. We will help your words take flight, as we have been doing for 36 years and counting!

For more information, email or call 650/358-9908.


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