Austin Rivero interview AB
Aspiring Youth Breaks into Aviation, An Interview with Austin Rivero
By Annamarie Buonocore
Austin Rivero of Dallas, Texas is a young pilot and aircraft broker working for Central Flying Service. (Photo courtesy Central Flying Service and Austin Rivero)
Here at In Flight USA, we know how important it is to involve youth in aviation. We know that aviation offers many career opportunities, and training the next generation is the way for us to solve the challenges we are faced with. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Austin Rivero of Dallas, Texas. Austin is a young pilot and aircraft broker working for Central Flying Service. We asked him to share his experiences in aviation, both recreational and professional:
Austin Rivero: From an early age, I was always looking up at the sky. On family vacations, my favorite part of the trip was the airplane ride. I would always try to catch a glimpse of the cockpit and meet the pilots whenever I could.
In Flight USA: How did you get involved in aviation?
AR: I first got involved in aviation when I was in high school. I was going into my junior year, and my mom kept telling me that a job would look good on my college applications. I had always been fascinated with flying, and figured I should try to get a job doing something I loved, so one day, I went to my small local airport. I didn’t expect to get an important job or make a lot of money. I just wanted to see if anybody needed help cleaning up or working on planes. I thought it would be a good way to get started in the industry. I ended up cleaning airplanes at the local flight school. Then, I enrolled in flight training and earned my private pilot’s license when I was 18, and my instrument rating roughly six months later. I went to college and am currently still a full-time student at Texas Christian University.
During college, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in the business side of aviation. After I made that decision, I immediately began looking for jobs to launch my career. That is where I first met Phil Jordan and Herb Knight, industry experts with over 50 years of experience between them. After many follow up calls and interviews, they gave me the opportunity to come work for them. They were in the process of launching a new Tecnam Aircraft dealership, Volare Air. I spent a year helping them and their team launch the dealership before the company purchased Central Flying Service in Little Rock, Arkansas where they then transferred me into the company’s Aircraft Research & Brokerage division.
IF USA: So, tell us about your current job and what you like about it?
AR: I currently hold a full-time position with Central Flying Service in their Aircraft Research & Brokerage Division. My job is to help aircraft owners and potential aircraft owners buy and sell their corporate aircraft, helping to serve as their consultant and advisor. I also am a bit of a market analyst; I assist our other team members in analyzing the market on a variety of corporate aircraft. I like it because I get to spend my day talking to people about the thing I love, airplanes.
IF USA: What was it like to sell your first airplane?
AR: It was incredible! It was a feeling of accomplishment for sure. I sold my first aircraft, a new Tecnam P2010 TDI at Sun N’ Fun 2022. They are great aircraft and I was thankful for the opportunity to work with Tecnam Aircraft and their associated network of dealers including Flight Line Group, Altisky, Cielo Blu, and of course, Volare Air, all of which are crewed by some of the best people I’ve ever met.
IF USA: What are your plans for the future?
I am in this business for the long run. I plan to continue in the brokerage field, I really enjoy the art of selling and helping people find the aircraft that’s best for them. Long term, I would eventually like to launch my own brokerage, MRO, and charter company, hopefully in partnership with some of the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting along the way thus far.
IF USA: What advice would you give to youth trying to get into aviation?
Do it! Aviation is an incredible industry filled with some incredible people. My advice is start broad then find the area you are passionate about. Then, find a mentor like I have been able to, to help guide you to where you want to go. Lastly, although it’s cheesy, work hard. Hard work is the only way I have been able to progress in this industry.
Rivero is a dedicated individual with a deep passion for aviation and we look forward to seeing how his career progresses throughout the next several years. For more information on Austin, and the company he helps to represent, visit