Ninety-nines at Sun 'n Fun

Ninety-Nines International Association of Women Pilots Hosts Booth, Socials, and TrailBlazer Talk

The Ninety-Nines will be busy at this year's Sun 'n Fun, with a booth, two socials, and the Trailblazer Luncheon. At the booth running throughout the event in Hangar A pilots and aspiring pilots can learn about the community, scholarships, and educational and networking opportunities to be found in the Ninety-Nines. In the house owned by the Ninety-Nines on the Sun 'n Fun property the organization will be hosting an ice cream social sponsored by Sun 'n Fun as well as a cupcake/cookie social sponsored by a regional airline.

The Trailblazer Luncheon on Saturday, April 5, will feature Cecilia Aragon, an award-winning airshow pilot and author and the first Latina on the US Unlimited Aerobatics team as well as the first to earn full professor rank in the University of Washington's College of Engineering. There will be a full catered lunch at Prop 75 and Cecilia will present how she overcame fear and self-doubt to compete as an aerobatic pilot.

Come join the Ninety-Nines for their full program at Sun 'n Fun!


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