A Open Letter

05 March, 2025

by Robert Riter

A Open Letter For Filing a Criminal Complaint Against the National Transportation Safety Board.

Elise Chawaga, Principle Inspector General for investigations.
US Department of Transportation 
Office of Inspector General 
1200 New Jersey Ave SE, 7th Floor 
Washington, DC 20590

Dear Ms. Chawaga,

I would like to submit a complaint against the NTSB accident investigators o conducted the 2019 Hawaii accident, NTSB report number WPR19MA177 In this report the NTSB used deception to claim that this accident was caused by a "reckless" pilot. They further stated that this "reckless" pilot was the result of a "Bad" flight instructor. A flight instructor that conducted training to the accident pilot two to three years prior to the accident.

The evidence of the accident scene proved the contrary. This evidence showed that the accident pilot, a Captain Jerome Renck, suffered a engine failure almost immediately after take off. This engine failure caused the aircraft to flip inverted which is called a Vmc Roll. We lost Captain Renck, and ten skydivers that day.

The NTSB report clearly reflects that the witnesses at the accident scene heard the left propeller being feathered. The left propeller was recovered from the accident scene in the feathered position, and was also received by Hartzell Propellers for analysis in the feathered position. The feathering of the left propeller is the key to what happened. For it is ONLY the pilot that can feather the propeller. Feathering of a propeller is ONLY done when a engine failure occurs. This is standard multi-engine procedures.

When the left engine failed the pilot did as he was trained. He feathered the left propeller, and he fought gallantly to keep control of the aircraft.

Unfortunately, pilots are sometimes put in impossible situations that can not be survived. This was one of those situations.

I humbly submit to your office the following violations of federal and state laws that the NTSB personnel violated.

Count 1.

31 CFR § 0.211 - Falsification Of Records. A Felony.

The Falsification of the Accident Report The feathered Left Propeller Indicating Left Engine Failure.

The NTSB investigators made the false claim that the accident was caused by Captain Renck being a "reckless" pilot. That due to his "reckless" behavior the accident was caused by him stalling the aircraft. The NTSB report attempts to conceal the real cause of the accident which was a engine failure. The evidence that is already part of the NTSB report is as follows:

(1). Two witnesses reported that they heard the propeller on the aircraft being feathered. [1]. The feathering of a propeller can ONLY be done by the pilot on this make and model aircraft. Feathering is standard operating procedure when a failed engine is identified.

1. Matt Jaskol, NTSB Records of Conversations, WPR19MA177, Docket Item 5. Page (6); Brian Wagner, Interview Summaries, Docket Item 4, page 3;

Robert Riter

Aviation concerns and counseling. Starting the “Save Our Pilots” program to protect our future airline and corporate pilots. Aviation in the United States is collapsing, but if the aviation community and the public comes together this disaster can be prevented!


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