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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

User Fee’s: Paying Their Fair Share?

By Ed Downs

I doubt that many readers of this editorial are completely ignorant of the war being waged against business and general aviation.  Yes, we are talking about the “per flight” user fees that have been recommended by our pals in Washington, DC.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB, essentially the White House’s accounting folks), have recommended that all turbine flights be charged a $100 per flight service fee for “ATC Services.”  Small, piston engine aircraft and aircraft operating in uncontrolled airspace are specifically excluded.  There are other odious details, but this writer will assume that our readers are already aware of this well publicized OMB recommendation and that you have already responded to the request by multiple aviation alphabet groups to participate in a petition appearing on the White House website, “We the People.” 

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