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Surrounded By Thunder-The Story Of Unsung Heroes Who Made Space Travel Possible

From America’s first satellite Explorer I, through Apollo and putting the first man on the moon, aeronautical engineer Darrell Loan had a hand in them all! Surrounded by Thunder: The story of Darrell Loan and the Rocket Men (Inspire on Purpose Publishing), by Tom Williams, tells the true story of this extraordinary man, his family, friends and colleagues, and of a time not to be forgotten in America’s history - a time that has never been surpassed and that truly was and always will be, Surrounded by Thunder.

Only twelve years separated the launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik and Americans landing on the moon, but during those golden years of space exploration the most fearless aviators ever climbed aboard the most dangerous creations ever assembled to rocket into space and claim a true pinnacle of human achievement. Information on the mission dates, the astronauts, and many of the unforgettable characters that made up this account of America’s race for space and then to the moon are all factual; however, thanks to the author’s talent for gripping storytelling, this historical narrative reads more like an incredible science-fiction adventure.

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