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AOPA Keeps Pressure on as CBP Moves to Keep Records Secret

By Elizabeth A Tennyson (AOPA)

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has filed a request to change its record keeping system to remove some air and marine records from public disclosure under the Privacy Act. But AOPA is asking for a 90-day extension to the comment period on the request to give Congress time to investigate recent incidents in which CBP has stopped and searched general aviation flights operating entirely within U.S. borders. The extension also would allow time for interested parties to understand exactly what the record-keeping changes would mean.

In the meantime, members of AOPA’s government affairs team are meeting with members of Congress to seek support for ending stops and searches on purely domestic general aviation flights. Although the number of stops has decreased dramatically since AOPA began filing Freedom of Information Act requests, the question remains why CBP was conducting such stops in the first place and whether the agency, which is responsible for border protection, has the authority to conduct such stops on flights that never leave the United States.

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