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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

At NBAA2011, Government, Business Leaders Highlight Business Aviation Value

“Every state benefits from general aviation,” Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) told the Attendees gathered for the NBAA2011 Opening General Session on October 10. “This industry provides 1.2 million manufacturing and service jobs.”

The senator’s message was delivered by each of the policymakers and businesspeople sharing the stage in Las Vegas with NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.  Their work – whether it’s creating jobs, considering safety or other policies, growing a multinational company or providing humanitarian relief – would be impossible without business aviation.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

By Every Yardstick, NBAA2011 an Outstanding Success

As the third and final day of NBAA’s 64th Annual Meeting & Convention (NBAA2011) drew to a close, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen thanked Exhibitors and Attendees for what he called “a highly successful show.”

“What we are seeing is that the show is providing real value to the business aviation community, even in these challenging economic times,” Bolen said. “It’s clear that the Convention continues to be a must-attend event for anyone whose passion or profession involves business aviation.”

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