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Embry-Riddle Hosts Historic FAA-Industry Rule-Making Meetings

Group Streamlining Process Used for Certifying New and Modifying Existing Aircraft

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University was the host of two meetings, from Jan. 8-11, of the Federal Aviation Administration FAR Part 23 Aviation Rule Making Committee (ARC) and the ASTM International F44 group charged with developing recommendations that would significantly change aircraft certification regulations for most general aviation aircraft. FAR Part 23 covers aircraft under 19,000 pounds, from simple, piston-powered airplanes to highly complex twin-engine jets.

Members of ARC include representatives of most major airframe and aircraft equipment manufacturers as well as aviation regulators from Brazil, Canada, China, Europe and New Zealand.

The ARC committee has worked since November 2011 to develop performance-based regulations that will be readily adaptable to new technology. The committee aims to enhance safety and encourage innovation by streamlining the process for certifying new technologies, while also lowering the costs of developing new products. It is expected to have final recommendations ready for the FAA to consider later this year.

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