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House General Aviation Caucus Membership Hits Magic Number of 218

Broad, bipartisan support for general aviation priorities in Congress

House General Aviation Caucus Co-Chairs Sam Graves (R-MO) and John Barrow (D-GA) on Sept. 12 announced that, for the first time in its history, more than half off the House of Representatives had joined the group. The current tally stands at 223 members.  The purpose of the House General Aviation Caucus is to inform Members and staff about the importance of General Aviation (GA) to our economy and transportation system.

“Crossing the 218 mark is a great victory for general aviation,” said Congressman Graves.  “Education is key to our efforts to highlight the everyday concerns of America’s pilots, so having the majority of the House participating in the caucus is important. General aviation carries 166 million passengers to around 5,000 communities over 27 million flight hours each year, and more than two-thirds of these flights are for business purposes.”

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