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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

“We the People” Petition Signers Urge White House to Reopen NASA Shuttle Decision, Land Enterprise at the Birthplace of Aviation

Online signature campaign rockets past 5,000 needed by end of month deadline – taxpayers seeking fairness and accountability in new process

In less than a month’s time, over 5,000 citizens and taxpayers signed an electronic petition posted on a White House website asking that the administration press NASA to reconsider its position on locations for the retired shuttles, specifically requesting the shuttle Enterprise be sent to Dayton for more appropriate display and better public access.  The White House “We the People” petition site required a minimum of 5,000 signatures be logged online by an October 30th deadline in order for the issue to be considered by White House staff and, presumably, President Obama.  As of 3:00 PM Eastern Time, October 24th, well over 5,000 had signed the petition and numbers continued to grow as the petition remained active until the Sunday October 30th deadline.

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