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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Editorial: Thanks, Paul

By Ed Downs

A visionary, leader and damned good pilot flew over the southern horizon for the last time on Aug. 22, 2013.  Paul Poberezny, founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association, is gone.

Virtually every aviation publication in the world will comment on the passing of this remarkable man, most recounting the creation of the EAA, the incredible success of this organization and the part that Paul Poberezny played in shaping the modern world of recreational flying.  To be sure, the creation of the EAA and all that it has stood for over the years is a story that needs to be told in perspective with the amazing person who fathered what we now refer to as the “homebuilt movement.”  But this writer would like to take a different approach. 

You see, Paul was my friend.  The funny thing is that thousands of people can correctly say the same thing.  To meet Paul was to become his friend.  To work with Paul was to become a friend for whom he would always take time to greet and say “hello” to, when the occasion permitted, usually at AirVenture. 

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