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Long Island's Parrish Art Museum Features Works by Malcom Morley Heavily Influenced by Aviation

By S. Mark Rhodes

Flight of Icarus (1995) - Collection Timothy EgertLong Island’s venerable Parrish Art Museum has recently opened in a striking new location on the Island’s East end and it’s inaugural exhibit features the work of renowned, British-born artist Malcom Morley. This is particularly fitting since Mr. Morley has lived and worked on Long Island for almost 30 years.   

Mr. Morley’s work in this particular exhibit (titled “Malcom Morley: Painting, Paper, Process”) includes almost 50 works of Mr. Morley’s art covering roughly the last 30 years of his work.  This exhibit is heavily influenced by Mr. Morley’s memories of growing up in wartime Britain and going through the Blitz. 

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