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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

College Time Flights and Buzzes

By Charlie Briggs

To the glee of me and the distress of my fraternity members at Sigma Nu, Kansas state chapter, plus the use of my father’s Luscombe, this really happened. Dad leased “long stem grass” pastures in the Manhattan, Kans. Area, and was there on business, and to see me. Seizing on the opportunity to “get in a little air time,” he agreed to let me take a sightseeing flight of the area.

The year was 1949! I had a fresh new private pilots license and the experience of less than 100 hours of solo time.  It is reported that 100 hours is the most dangerous time of a pilot’s career.

Looking back, I believe it. There is little that scares you and much to entice you to “slip the surly bonds” of common sense and do darned fool things. This was one of those things.

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