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Back to Business

By Ed Downs

The editorial staff of In Flight USA made a promise to our readers last August when it was decided to print monthly editorials that dealt directly with issues of concern to the aviation community.  We promised to go beyond the usual tone of topical editorials, which smartly criticize a situation and or people and then back away from the subject, satisfied that word crafting alone will solve problems.  We promised to make sure problem identification was accompanied by recommended solutions.  We committed to changing or altering the content of In Flight USA when needed to address issues of importance. 

For example, our expressions of concern over national policies that effectively abandoned America’s leadership in space exploration and science has been answered by the inclusion of a new feature focused on enabling our readers to enjoy the transition from The Skies to the Stars. Recent political rhetoric and a continued strategy of creating a class struggle in America has resulted in an innocent bystander, business aviation, taking well publicized hits from political luminaries.  While In flight USA has always carried news and features about the business side of aviation, the decision has been made to significantly enhance our coverage of this important partner in America’ s air transportation system.  A dedicated section will highlight business applications of fixed wing and rotor aircraft in addition to the technological advancements propagated by this sector of aviation.  Additionally, In Flight USA will cover the services provided by America’s network of FBOs that specialize in serving this important sector of aviation. 

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