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Allergic Rhinitis – Tis the Season!

By Susan Biegel M.D.

Do you ever experience post-nasal drip and find yourself having to clear your throat on and off all day?  Or, do you have cold symptoms such as sore throat and cough that have lasted for two to three weeks off and on without letting up? There would be no problem for you to try over the counter Claritin or Allegra to see if it works. If Claritin or Allegra do help, you have likely made your diagnosis. Allergies can be seasonal, or all year long. Seasonal allergic rhinitis flares when certain trees or grasses are blooming or growing; or when we get rainfall that encourages the growth of grasses, molds, or spores.

The root cause: Allergens of all types, including pollens and dog or cat dander land on the nasal mucosal lining, causing the mast cells there to release a chemical cascade which leads to the swelling, itching, sneezing, and dripping that is so common with allergy sufferers. This is why using a Netty pot or at least a nasal rinse to wash the nasal passages of pollens will help control or eliminate a lot of the allergy flare ups.

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