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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

GAMA Testifies Before U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee on the State of American Aviation

The U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee, chaired by Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), held a hearing in December to discuss the state of American aviation. Pete Bunce, President and CEO, testified on behalf of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA).

General aviation is an essential part of the U.S. transportation system, serving as an economic lifeline to small communities, delivering disaster relief supplies to those in need, assisting in medical evacuations and facilitating the development of the growing energy industry. General aviation supports more than 1.2 million jobs and over $150 billion in economic activity annually. General aviation manufacturing employs individuals in more than 40 states and generated $4.8 billion in exports in 2012.

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