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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Skies to Stars: Christmas Stars

By Ed Downs

No, there is no mistake in titling this column in the plural, that is to say “stars” as opposed to “star.” To be sure, the “Star of Bethlehem” is a cherished part of the Christmas tradition, as are the Three Wise Men.  These three searchers are said to have used that star to guide them in their search for the Savior.  Biblical historians have long argued as to who these “Wise Men” might have been and how it was that they, presumed to be of Babylonian origins, would have known about Hebrew prophesies of a coming of a Savior.  Some have guessed that these “scholars” may have been what we would today call astrologers, a possibility often shunned by those who think of astrology as a superstitious form of divination. 

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

From Skies to Stars - April 2013

The Comet Cometh

By Ed Downs

First a meteor smacks into Russia, and then, just a few days later, we get a close flyby of a good sized asteroid. In cosmic terms, that asteroid came close enough to give “doomsday preppers” reason to celebrate their decisions. It was close. But it is not all scary news. Astronomers who work with visible light, versus those light bands that can be seen only through the use of special instrumentation, have something to celebrate. It seems as though the summit of Haleakala on the Hawaiian island of Maui, at 10,000 feet above sea level, now sports a telescopic array that promises to be the most powerful survey telescope ever built. “Survey” means a telescope that specifically looks for things, all sorts of things, which may be heading our way. It’s called Pan-STARRS, short for Panchromatic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System. And is the first of a four telescopes array planned.

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