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Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

What's Up? - March 2011

Before I Forget …

By Larry Shapiro

In my 8 to 5 world I have some set rules or guidelines I try to follow.  Maybe you could call them procedures, either way, if it ain’t broke we don’t fix it and since it still works I’m not going to fix it.

A few weeks ago I got a call from an old friend I met about four years ago.  He and his wife popped in looking for their first airplane and they became the receiving end of what you will read below.  I can’t be sure their decision was based totally on what I shared with them, but … based on them living on California’s North Coast, one of my favorite places, I mentioned the egregious fog once or twice, or three times, maybe four times.

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Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

What's Up!?

Let’s start with some thing really nice, again!

July has passed and the sound of fireworks has ceased, but the lingering aroma of dirty diapers is still wafting around my home and office. It takes a little getting use to, but in the end (no pun intended), it was worth it. Two glorious weeks of unanswerable questions, bibs, pacifiers and a mountain of dirty formula bottles and fingerprints on my glasses; this would be the joy of grandparenting. And to think I thought maintenance hangars were dirty… no more.

It’s about time!

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