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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

13 Talented San Diego, Calif. Region High School Graduates Receive College Scholarships from San Diego Air & Space Museum and Convair Alumni Association

The San Diego Air & Space Museum’s mission statement is to inspire young people to tackle the challenges of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics academic disciplines and to make-a-difference in the world through an innovative, adventurous spirit. To further this goal, the Museum and Convair Alumni Association have selected 13 students in the San Diego region to receive scholarships. The scholarships are given annually on behalf of three Museum-administered scholarship funds: Bill Gibbs, R.A. “Ken” Rearwin and the Convair Alumni Association. To-date, 245 talented San Diego students have been awarded $672,000.

“I’m very proud there are many students studying math and science,” said Donna Lilly, president of the Endowment Board at the Museum. “The U.S. really needs to keep up with the global market for math and science in the field of technology.” “Every year we interview so many outstanding students,” said Charles Pinney, member of the Endowment Board. “Their accomplishments are unbelievable.”

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