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Skies to Stars - December 2012

The Christmas Star

By Ed Downs

The holiday season offers a huge number of both aviation and astronomical topics to write about. From the aviation standpoint, gift giving is made easy. Pilots will love anything that has to do with their flying activities or cherished flying machine. We are an easy “gift buy” group. Astronomy also has a firm connection with the Christmas season, with the Star of Bethlehem (the Christmas star) playing a major role in virtually every aspect of holiday decorations, lore and tradition. The biblical reference in Mathew 2:2 begins our tradition of “the Star in the East” and the holy journey of the three Magi, referred to as “The Three Kings” in late medieval times. It would be hard to imagine the Christmas tradition without this celestial miracle. A quick search in this writer’s biblical concordance comes up with no less than 10 references to the stars. And, it must be remembered that many biblical historians believe the Magi were astrologers, skilled in many arts and sciences, having familiarity with the prophecies of Daniel. While today astrology is considered a completely different subject than astronomy, they were once one and the same, and perhaps the oldest of all scientific understandings by ancient civilizations. Indeed, the stars are an integral part of the holiday season.

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