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It’s All About the Journey… And the Eclipse!
Featured Annamarie Buonocore Featured Annamarie Buonocore

It’s All About the Journey… And the Eclipse!

By Sarah Fishman

The author getting set up for the perfect eclipse shot. (Courtesy Sarah Fishman)At 7 o’clock on the morning of Sunday, Aug. 20. I got into my beloved Chevy Trail Blazer and left my house in upstate New York, setting out for… somewhere on the path of totality. I wasn’t quite sure of my destination. I thought maybe it would be Charleston or Nashville, as they were about equidistant from my starting point, but figured I’d play it by ear and just head generally south until I made my decision.

I was making great time and didn’t feel restless or bored behind the wheel at all. Going in to the trip, I had worried about spending so much time alone with my thoughts, as I had just learned that my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me for half of our relationship. I was pleased to find, however, that being alone with my thoughts wasn’t scary at all. It was actually quite cathartic. I was able to think through all the reasons why it was a good thing he was out of my life for good. It was right in the middle of one of those thoughts, speeding down I-81 South in West Virginia, that I felt a jolt in my car. I looked down at my dashboard to see that my RPM had skyrocketed to 5,000 but my gas pedal wasn’t responding at all.

I quickly pulled off to the side of the highway and put the car in park. Realizing I wasn’t as far off the road as I would have liked, I shifted back into drive and attempted to pull a little closer to the guardrail. Instead the RPM jumped to 5,000 again and I started rolling backwards into oncoming traffic. Immediately I turned off the car and decided I was fine right where I was.

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