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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd. is For Sale

Murphy Aircraft Manufacturing Ltd. has announced that the company is now being offered for sale.  They hope to sell to someone who can take the company to the next stage of development.

Mr. Darryl Murphy, Company Founder and President, said “After thirty enjoyable years running Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd., I am approaching retirement, with the desire to spend more time with family and pursue other interests. To that end I find myself in the position of wanting to sell Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd.”

Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd. was founded in 1985 and has been a world leader in the design and production of experimental light aircraft, having sold close to 2,000 aircraft kits in more than 35 countries. Many of these Murphy aircraft are now flying on floats and skis. The Murphy Moose and Murphy Rebel, with their reputation as rugged, roomy bush aircraft, offering utilitarian high useful loads, are especially coveted for their excellent performance on floats.

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