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Contrails: Adventures in Vertigo

By Steve Weaver

Being unsure of your aircrafts attitude is one of the most stressful situations that one can encounter in an airplane. Whether the occasion is due to failure of the aircrafts instruments to accurately give situational information or due to your own false sensations, it makes short work of ones peace of mind in the air.

I have been lucky in my flying with only two occasions when I wasnt sure exactly what the aircraft was doing. The first time was during a night approach to a mountain airport, done very early in my instrument flying career. At a critical moment on that flight, every nerve and sensation in my body screamed that the Grumman I was flying had decided to finish the approach while lying on its right side. Only the stern words of my instrument instructor echoing in my head saved me. This will happen, and when it does, ignore everything else and believe your instruments! I did that and soon the airplane returned to flying with the right side up.

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