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 In Flight USA Articles

Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

Tips from the Pros - February 2011

“Tips from the Pros” is a new feature dedicated to allowing the In Flight USA family of aviation professionals to share tips and information regarding flying skills, airframe care and engine operations.

Are you a pro? Send in your tips for consideration. Please send 400 to 600 words describing your tip to

Reduce the Risk of Hypoxia

Do you or your passengers sometimes arrive after your flight feeling tired with a headache? Rest easy, you are not ill with some weird virus but more likely are suffering from the insidious effects of hypoxia.  Between 5,000 and 12,000 feet, hypoxia may cause the first signs of fatigue, drowsiness, sluggishness, headache, and slower reaction time. At 15,000 feet, the hypoxic effect becomes increasingly apparent in terms of impaired efficiency, increased drowsiness, errors in judgment, and difficulty with simple tasks requiring mental alertness or muscular coordination. These symptoms become more intensified with progressively higher ascent or with prolonged exposure

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