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Editorial: DO Sweat the Small Stuff

By Ed Downs

We have all heard the old standby, “don’t sweat the small stuff.”  Typically, that advice is given when one needs to keep focused on the final outcome of a big issue.  The general belief is that if one takes care of the big issues, the small ones will resolve themselves.  A recent conversation, however, has caused this writer to rethink that sage advice.  My past editorials have expressed concern that our current national leadership is openly hostile towards private aviation, both personal and business. 

For example, this editorial section, and virtually every editorial section of all aviation magazines, have addressed the proposed “per flight” user fees.  While engaged in a discussion regarding these fees, the comment was made, “what makes you think private aviation is being treated in a hostile manner other than simply asking rich guys to pay their fair share?” This writer was caused to pause and think.  The suggested user fee tends to be a rallying point for those who support aviation, but is that the only issue?  Intuitively, I felt safe in the views expressed in these pages, but was I working on facts, or gut feelings brought about by personal political preferences.  What is it that has this writer so concerned about the future of our industry?

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