What's Up: Service

I’ve had so much fun thinking about how many times and places we see and use the word: “service.” Here are a few of my thoughts on this important word. (Please feel free to share some of your favorites and not so favorites).

I know I’ll miss some, but for starters, I was in the Service … and I’m very proud of it. How many times have you heard the word used when there is a uniform involved?

I couldn’t guess the amount of service stations I’ve used, and how I evaluated each of them. I still do. Ever wonder why they’re called “Service Stations?”

A great meal at your favorite restaurant with bad service becomes a least favorite place. On the other hand, great service at your favorite greasy spoon or drive through becomes a regular. I’ve always loved this: A good meal served badly ends up being a bad meal. Bad food coupled with good service is what you remember and will go back to.

In conversations about retail stores, hotels, and other places of pleasure, the questions of service always comes up. We can’t help ourselves; we all are aware of the “service” provided.

Of course we refer to some of our religious moments in our places of worship as, “How was the Service?”

I’m sure you can think of, and probably add, many places that you frequent based on their service. Now … start thinking outside the box.

Eating is not the only place we look for and want good service. How about at your airport: the maintenance facilities for your regular oil changes and annuals? Or, maybe just a simple question being answered seriously on the same day you ask it. We unconsciously want good service––I’d suggest asking for it. We all know the difference between good and bad service and live with it everyday.

We get good and bad service from our tower personnel, and we know the difference. Those of us at PAO are spoiled because of the great service.

Holiday Time

Now we’re talking about serious service. Think about it. The motels and vacation spots we might visit. Ski Lifts, house keeping, front desk, and the list just keeps going … we all want service. We want to feel special; therefore, we want the best.

The turkey was dry, but the service was great. The food was okay, but the parking was really nice. Okay, okay, that’s enough.

Biggest Burrito

I had to share this with you, and I’m hoping not to ruin your day … while flying a cross country, I saw this sign and needed to share it. The sign read, “We serve the world’s ‘Biggest Burritos.’” That was a hard one to pass on, and that’s all we talked about for the next few hundred miles … we were trying to imagine what the world’s biggest burrito would look like.

Now don’t ask me why we didn’t stop and get one … I don’t have the answer. I couldn’t find the sign on the way back.

Serious Time

My feelings about losing/eliminating the Third Class Medical are certainly no secret. I’m loving the fact that I’m seeing it on my television and getting a ton of junk mail many times during the week, and I think I’ve been seen actually praying that it will happen.

My personal flying future could be in question since I’ll be 100 in just 25 years. 

Come on, fellow old people and those of you with common sense … get this done. You will make me very happy.


Here’s some information I received from the Department of Motor “V” in my mail recently: 

“Anyone who holds an FAA airman certificate must understand how the federal aviation regulations define ‘motor vehicle action’ and the consequences of not making the required reports of such an action to the Civil Aviation Security Division of the FAA within the time prescribed in 14 CFR 61.15.”

No, I have no idea what this means.

On Final

October is anothergreat month, one of my favorites because it comes before November, which is a real party month. Lots to eat, I’ll be a year older, not sure about the service, but I love October.


What's Up: Service


Airman Author Brings Fictional, Real Heroes to Life