EAA Chapter 1686
Guest Speakers: The Bay Cities Ninety-Nines
Oakland, CA
Thursday, October 17, from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Pilots Lydia Royaute and Brie Lorey will share their journeys into aviation and their roles within the Bay Cities Ninety-Nines, a dynamic chapter of the Ninety-Nines International organization of women pilots. The group is committed to promoting aviation education, fostering camaraderie, and supporting the community through scholarships and outreach, inspiring and empowering women pilots of all experience levels.
To celebrate our chapter's first anniversary, a complimentary light dinner will be provided for each RSVP.
Oakland Aviation Museum
8252 Earhart Rd.
Oakland, CA 94621
Frankie Ridolfi, Event Contact
510-629-1973 or president@eaa1686oak.org
Click here for more information.