Letters to the Editor Submissions
In Flight USA wants to hear from you. After 33 years in circulation, we want to hear what our readers have to say about the exciting world of general aviation. Do you have a short personal story? Perhaps you have an opinion on a heated issue such as third-class medical reform? Now is a great time to submit letters to editor, Annamarie Buonocore.
Deadline: The 20th of each month before each issue. For example, the deadline for the April issue would be March 20.
Length: Letters to the editor should be brief and to the point. For this reason, we ask that letters be at least 150 words but no more than 300 words long.
Format of Submission: Letters should be submitted to Annamarie Buonocore at Annamarie@inflightusa.com. Letters should be attached as Word documents. No PDFs please. Letters can also be pasted or written in the body of an email. While not required, letters should be size 12 and Times New Roman.
More on Format: Authors should sign their letters at the bottom. A letter should also have a title and date written in this format: M/D/Y, for example, 3/16/17.
Content: While letters can address controversial issues, we ask that authors keep their language clean and keep their letters free of explicit, violent, or sexual content, as we occasionally have young readers.
Acceptance: We will only publish two letters to the editor per month/issue. Should we receive more than two submissions, we will hold your letter for the next month, granted it is up to our specifications.
Compensation: In Flight USA does not offer compensation for letters to the editor.
Author Rights: All rights revert back to the author after publication. You may do what you please with your letter after it runs in our magazine.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing what you have to say! For questions about letters to the editor, please contact Annamarie Buonocore at Annamarie@inflightusa.com or call 650/358-9908.