Michael Goulian

A One of Kind Airshow Performer

By Pete Trabucco   

Michael Goulian and author Pete TrabuccoIf you are like me, you love to go to airshows.  To be able to see the best demonstration pilots from all over the nation (and sometimes from around the world) is truly a thrill for all to see.  These pilots perform their magic at local shows and do things with an airplane that most of us would believe is impossible.  Whether it is seeing those daring young men (and women) at Sun N’ Fun or Oshkosh, one can argue that there is no finer way or cheaper way (try taking your kids to a ball game these days) to seize the day and enjoy some of the greatest shows on earth!  What these performers do on a daily basis does indeed defy the laws of physics as well as the imagination.

During the past 20 years, I have been lucky enough to have met some of the best airshow performers around the world.  Each one of them is memorable in their own way. When these individuals go to work, one should never forget that any mistakes on the job could in fact be their last, yet they still manage to thrill and amaze all of us every day. But there are only a special few who not only love what they do but will even go the extra mile for their fans. They are a rare breed who look at themselves as just a small part of the bigger picture; Individuals who give back to an industry what they cherish most and want to share their love of aviation with all us mere mortals.  These individuals possess the enthusiasm, creativity, athletic ability and competitiveness to be the best not just in their field but in just about everything they do.  They are able to please their fans, their sponsors, have a great family life, help promote the flying industry and somehow are still able to stay sane after every show. 

I have had the honor and pleasure of working with one of these individuals who best exemplifies what every air show performer should strive to emulate.  Along with his staff, when you meet this individual, you will see a person who could be easily mistaken for the guy next door and and even though he might be one of the best in the business is always thankful that people come to see him.  That gentleman’s name is Michael Goulian and working with him at Air BP/Castrol lubricants was a very special time for the company as well as for myself.  Michael has performed his magic in the skies just about all his life and has even co-written a book on the business. He is unarguably a top tier performer in the airshow circuit and has been for many years but maintains his modesty regarding what he does.  Not too long ago, Mike was also asked to be one of just a handful of pilots that compete in the world-renowned Red Bull Air Race circuit.  The NASCAR of the skies as some have called it. Traveling around the world, he competes against the best pilots in the world and has achieved much success in this activity as well.  He does all this and still manages to run one of the nation’s largest flight schools (Executive Flyers) in the Boston area (and a charter service company) to boot. With all that going on in his life, he still has plenty of time for his family, fans and friends. 

Those of you familiar with the airshow circuit might remember Michael’s CAP 232 aircraft sporting green, red and white Castrol Aviator colors.  That aircraft had quite interesting flight characteristics and could perform some very unique aerobatic maneuvers. Elements that would became the Goulian trademark at his airshows.  Since then, he now performs in several higher performance aircraft (with the CAP 232 being retired) such as the Extra 330SC for airshows and the Edge 540 for the converted Red Bull Air Races.

In fact this year, with the 540 (and overcoming many problems), Michael came in first place at the Budapest Red Bull Air Race. His aircraft averaged an astonishing 112.51 on the course; A winning time that earned him a place in the winner’s circle and in Red Bull race history. In order to do this, Michael’s team had to construct a special engine cowling and change the wing cuffs to make his plane perform better but even without those changes some could argue that there would be no denying Michael the top spot on that day.  Like the New Orleans Saint’s in Super Bowl XLIV, it was destiny that made that victory occur.

“Many years of hard work paid off at Budapest” Michael said of the win… “G’s were the enemy and at Budapest everything just came together.”  Even Mike’s sleep cycle worked in his favor at Budapest and having his family and especially his daughter with him at the race was a contributing factor to his success. With plans in the works to increase engine rpm and reduce even more weight on his aircraft, Goulian should be an even bigger force to reckon with in 2010. You will also immediately notice that there are some other changes in the look of Mike Goulian Airshows (and his aircraft) for airshows this coming year.

Michael Goulian’s Extra 330 will have a new color scheme and a new sponsor.One big change you will see is that instead of the usual green, red and white Castrol colors that Michael had last year, his Extra 330 will have a new color scheme and a new sponsor.  Michael’s new sponsor is Air Show Buzz (ASB TV). ASB is a media company dedicated to the “Aerotainment” or entertainment and news in the aviation and airshow industry. Both parties are excited about the new merger and if you see a maroon, black and gold colored aircraft in the sky doing classic Michael Goulian airshow elements, that would be Michael.  Goulian will now be promoting the re-branded “ASB EXTRA 330” in major air shows across North America. “Personally, I am very excited to be partnered with ASB (Air Show Buzz) because MGAS and ASB are both passionate about bringing airshows to a higher level of professionalism while exposing the general public to the inspirational story of aviators across the globe.” said Goulian.

Michael Goulian - A Genuine Celebrity
One thing that must be mentioned about Michael is how approachable he is to his fans.  He is also well liked and respected by his peers and I have seen this first hand while working alongside him. I am absolutely amazed at the total dedication he has had towards his chosen profession. Many times, I have witnessed the long conversations he has had with his fans.  Mike is just one of only a handful of air show celebrities that will take the time to actually talk with fans before signing their posters cards or autograph books. When I asked Mike about that, he just said that everyone was a part of the aviation big picture and that he truly enjoyed hearing their stories.  But this is very typical of Goulian who has been seen many times staying that extra hour to sign autographs for his sponsors and making extra appearances for his fans.  A key factor to why he does this is that Michael, although being a top aviation performer, has never lost sight of his roots. “I started out with a small Pitts Special which I had to pay for myself,” said Goulian.  “I got a loan, had emotional support from my dad and never forget what this industry is all about.” added Goulian. 

To see Michael in action with his fans, it is immediately apparent that this statement is true and his feelings on this are genuine.  “I actually get to go to work every day and do something I love to do,” said Goulian. “My worst day on the job is better than most people’s best and I never forget that.  I am privileged to fly (and with Michael flying has always been a privilege) the best planes around and I never take that for granted,” added Goulian.  Many times celebrities forget this; Michael has not and that is what makes him a true celebrity and a credit to the industry. He treats everyone with respect and gives children not just something to dream about but something they can work towards as well.

Goulian credits his success in having a very supportive family. His wife, Karin has been with him from the beginning and has successfully handled all marketing and PR for the operation.  He also boasts having some great sponsors and a fantastic team of staff members working together to make it all possible.  Again, ever the honest showman, he is sincere when he credits his team even above himself for this success.

So if you get the chance to visit an airshow or two this year, you should defiantly attend one that Michael is performing in.  He is scheduled to do 18 this year and a total of 22 events in 2010 if you include the Red Bull Air Race on the schedule.  And for those of you living on the East coast, Goulian and the Red Bull Air Races will be coming to Jersey City, New Jersey this year. The show will take place over the Hudson River across from Manhattan and New York City.  That race is scheduled for June 19-20.   New Yorkers will finally be able to experience this race for the first time.  If you go to this event or any others that Goulian will be participating in, don’t forget to say hello. I am quite sure, he will be more than happy to meet your acquaintance.

You can visit Mike Goulian Airshows  website at http://mikegoulian.com/.


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