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Red Bull Air Race Budapest 2015
Featured Annamarie Buonocore Featured Annamarie Buonocore

Red Bull Air Race Budapest 2015

By Ruggero Piccoli and Alberto Celsan

Paul Bonhomme starts a new lap after passing under the Chain Bridge. (Ruggero Piccoli)Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, has been the background for the fourth race of the Red Bull Air Race 2015. The stage was held on July 4 and 5 in the city where it all started 12 years ago when the air race format saw its debut. Despite the hot temperatures during the race’s days, about 10,000 people attended on the Danube banks the world’s fastest motor sport series, which returned in Budapest after six years. Thanks to the impressive scenario of the Parliament Building and the famous bridges, the stage is one of the favorites for both pilots and the public, which had the opportunity to see the aircraft flying at speeds close to 370 km/h through the pylons few meters over the water. 

The race track was developed over the Danube River in front of the Parliament Building and the planes entered the track flying beneath the famous 19th century Chain Bridge, a spectacular way to start the race, which the master pilots were able to perform safely, as Besenyei explains, “I did this hundreds of times, also upside-down. It’s not a problem.”

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