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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - March 2013

New Rides and Awards

By Marilyn Dash

Super Legacy Race 33 in the early morning sun. (Tim Adams)The big news in air racing this month is the re-emergence of Daryl Greenamyer’s and Andy Chiavetta’s sport class racer the Super Legacy, Race 33. This racer has known her share of troubles, but has also won it all with Daryl at the controls.

This year, Will Whiteside will be the pilot – coming off several successful years racing in the unlimited division in both Voodoo and Steadfast. Will actually started racing in the sport class many years ago in CJ Stephens’ Glasair.

What this brings to us is a pretty exciting three-way duel between 2012 winner, Jeff Lavelle; 2011 winner, John Parker; and Will Whiteside in Race 33. We know all three have a competitive spirit. This should be very exciting for Sport Class fans.

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