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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place: Air Race

By Marilyn Dash

Air Race 1 – Tunisia

Thom Richard, Jay Jones and Michael Mundell in the Gold. (Used with permission from Air Race 1)I’ve heard the question a hundred times, why is International Formula One Air Racing called International? Well, Jeff Zaltman and his team have put the International back into IF1.

Last year, in their inaugural season, Air Race 1 put together a great race in Spain. This year, they have a three Race Series, starting in Tunisia and finishing in Reno, Nev. They are revisiting their roots in Spain in the middle of the season. In fact, the teams are heading to Spain as we go to press.

First thing you’ll notice is a bunch of familiar names from the IF1 Class at Reno. Only two competitors are not Reno Air Races veterans, and the planes are very familiar as well!

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - October 2012

The Return to the Races

By Marilyn Dash

We expected it to feel different, and it did. We expected it to be more difficult, and it was. But we never expected it to be so cathartic.  At least I didn’t.

The week started out earlier than usual. Racers were to be on the field by noon on the Saturday before the races. This is by far the earliest we were told to be there. But we were there and we were together.

It was good to see some of the new aircraft, new paint jobs, new owners, etc.  And, of course, it was good to see all the new rookies and our old friends. Lots of hugs were exchanged and stories were shared about the off-season and how most of us were absolutely certain we wouldn’t be standing there – but we were.

Before I review the races, I wanted to share a quote from Tim Cone, rookie Sport Class racer, “What do they call the pilot who places LAST in the Bronze heat of a Reno Air Race? An Air Racer!” – And he’s right! Congrats to all the racers and especially the rookies.

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