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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - December 2013

World Aerobatic Championships

By Marilyn Dash

The World Aerobatic Championships come to the USA once every 10 years or so. This year, they were held at North Texas Regional Airport in Grayson County, Texas. The good news was everyone had a great time. The bad news was the weather did not cooperate.


Beautiful aerobatic machines. (Courtesy of Marilyn Dash)Before racing in the biplane class at Reno, I was involved in local IAC competition. The challenge of flying competitive aerobatics was something I very much enjoyed and something I may plan to return to now that things are rocky at RARA. I found that I couldn’t do both at the same time – the airplane I was using needed to be changed for each sport and I didn’t have the time or resources to do it each year.  But, if the Reno Air Races are over (more on this next month), it is likely I will throw my time and energy back into aerobatics.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - November 2013

The 50th National Championship Air Races  – Part 2

By Marilyn Dash

Last month, we reviewed the Unlimited/UWRC races. And I promised this month to cover the other five classes of competitors. Let’s get started.


Vito Wypraechtiger in Scarlett Screamer. (Rob Miller/Phredtography)First thing in the morning, when the skies are dark and the dew is still on the planes, the IF1 (and Biplane) air racers are already at the field, tugging their planes out to runway 08 and trying not to shiver from the cold. The crowds are light at this time, which is a pity because some of the best racing happens before 10 a.m.

This year was no different. The IF1 class participants were few in number, but deep in talent and heart.

After qualifying nearly 10-miles-per-hour faster than anyone else, Steve Senegal, the reigning IF1 Champion had a difficult start and just couldn’t get around Vito Wypraechtiger in long time racer, Scarlet Screamer. Vito is one of two competitors in the IF1 class from Europe; Vito from Switzerland and Bill Parodi from Spain.

The final race on Sunday was amazing. Everyone was on their feet cheering for their favorite or cheering for a great race if they had no favorite. It was eight laps of intense racing.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - October 2013

The 50th National Championship Air Races

Part 1

By Marilyn Dash

Proud father and son - champions again! Stephen Hinton in Voodoo was the Unlimited Gold champion. Well, the 50th is in the books. The same kid won, but he was riding a different horse. There was good, there was bad, and there was not a lot of ugly, thankfully. Let’s get started with the review.

The UWRC (previously known as Unlimiteds) competitors were few and far between, with only 15 racers showing up for race week. But, the big iron was there. Returning champ, Strega, along with Voodoo, Rare Bear, Czech Mate, 232 and Dreadnaught all have the pedigree. All of them could win; nearly all of them HAVE won. But, it was Bob Button’s year – finally.

After threatening retirement for the third time, many didn’t expect Button and Voodoo to be back at the races – ever. A change of heart, the right team, the right time and the right combination all came together and they did it. Voodoo, who has maydayed out of so many races over the years, finally wins it all on Sunday.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - September 2013

50th Anniversary of the National Championship Air Races

By Marilyn Dash

It’s that time again. The crews are making the final touches on the race planes and the pilots are testing and growing more focused every day. The drama that is Air Racing is ready to play out in front of our incredibly loyal fans. Let’s take a look at who will be there and what to expect.


At this point, we have 16 aircraft on the roster. While not the largest number of entries, the fans should be pleased with the caliber of racers. Let’s take a look at what to expect…  

Voodoo is back. Yes, after a year off, Bob Button decided to come back in a big way. He decided to put together his dream team and go for that elusive win. Stevo Hinton will be flying Voodoo this year. And Kerch is back as the team adviser, in what we are affectionately calling, “Yoda and the Kid.” They are having fun, they are focused on winning and they are the team to beat right now.

Button’s Voodoo is Back – with Yoda and the Kid (Anthony Taylor/Warbird

Rare Bear has made the trip to Texas and back for a tweaking by Nelson Ezell and his crew of warbird whisperers. A wave of their magic wand and maybe the Rare Bear will be back to her winning form? With Stewart Dawson in the seat and a hungry owner in Rod Lewis, is this their year?

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - August 2013

Innovations in Air Racing

By Marilyn Dash

With all the drama surrounding the transition from the old unlimited class to the new, the fans are forgetting about the other five classes of racing. I’ve decided to focus this month’s column on the other classes, the innovators and racers who we don’t hear about on the forums. Who they are and what to look for this year – but let’s start with why the fans aren’t as enamored with these classes, and why maybe they should be.

Air racing through the years was always about technical advancements – especially for civil aviation. Among the first races in the 1910s, the draw was for inventers to show their wares and develop a name for themselves through their innovation. Thousands would flock to these events to watch the historic races and see how far aviation had changed since 1903 at Kitty Hawk.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - July 2013

What Does It All Mean…

By Marilyn Dash

Towing out for the Gold Race (Tim Adams)If you keep up with National Championship Air Racing (NCAR) news during the off-season, you probably have read several press releases about the Unlimited Division of the National Air-racing Group (UD-NAG) and a Safety Stand Down for the 2013 NCAR. This was followed quickly by the announcement of the new Unlimited & Warbird Racing Class (UWRC). My goal in this column is to present to you a little history and hopefully answer some questions about the future of Unlimited Racing at Reno.

History of NAG

The National Air-racing Group was founded in the 1970s by several Northern California air racing enthusiasts. Originally called the Northern Area Group of the Professional Race Pilots’ Association (PRPA), they later split off from PRPA and started their own group. This organization grew to be the largest and most active air race organization, with more than 2,000 members scattered throughout the world. A recognized member of the International Council of Air Shows, NAG is a non-profit California corporation.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - June 2013

Another Great Planes of Fame Airshow and PRS Preview

By Marilyn Dash

Five P-38 Lightnings in Formation – Amazing. (Rob “Phred” Miller)Ignoring the naysayers, Planes of Fame goes right ahead and puts on an amazing airshow – again. Nearly 40,000 people were in attendance to witness history and a terrific show.

This year, the airshow celebrated the history of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. There are only seven airworthy P-38s in the world today, and five of them were in the skies over the Chino Airport. Another P-38 on display, a photo-recon variant, made up the sixth P-38 at the show that weekend.

The formation of five was breathtaking. I don’t think we’ll ever see something like that again, sadly.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - May 2013

Sequester and Airshows

By Marilyn Dash

(Photos Courtesy of Bruce Croft)We recently learned that the Blue Angels, the USAF Thunderbirds, the Golden Knights and all the military demo teams have cancelled their entire Airshow season due to the Sequester. The military will not take part in airshows in any way – not static displays, not flying, nothing. This information has sent the airshow industry back to their drawing boards to see how they can move on from here.

The military demonstration teams are an enormous draw for these events. Military teams can increase attendance by up to 30 percent while bringing many attendees from long distances which increase tourism for their cities. The draw for the communities is estimated to be a minimum of $2M in tourism, hotels, restaurants, etc.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - April 2013

Meigs Field Lessons

By Marilyn Dash

Ten years ago, Chicago and the Aviation world woke up to see Meigs Field destroyed. Mayor Richard Daley took it upon himself to circumvent the law, the rules, and the rights of the citizens and pilots of the world to destroy a landmark. Many will remember waking up the next morning and watching the news in complete shock.

Meigs field had a deep history in the Chicago area. While it wasn’t the everyday home to aircraft, it was just for transient traffic visiting the downtown Chicago area. It was used frequently and was a treasure to many people who lived, visited or worked in the area.


Meigs Field – Before Trouble (Marge Beaver/Used with permission from the Friends of Meigs Field.)Merrill Church Meigs was born in 1883, a newsman in Chicago at the Chicago Herald and Examiner and was inspired to become a pilot after covering the solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean by Charles Lindbergh in 1927.

Later in life he became head of the Chicago Aero Commission and was instrumental in the development of Meigs field, which was named in honor of him and his hard work in developing the field in 1948.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - March 2013

New Rides and Awards

By Marilyn Dash

Super Legacy Race 33 in the early morning sun. (Tim Adams)The big news in air racing this month is the re-emergence of Daryl Greenamyer’s and Andy Chiavetta’s sport class racer the Super Legacy, Race 33. This racer has known her share of troubles, but has also won it all with Daryl at the controls.

This year, Will Whiteside will be the pilot – coming off several successful years racing in the unlimited division in both Voodoo and Steadfast. Will actually started racing in the sport class many years ago in CJ Stephens’ Glasair.

What this brings to us is a pretty exciting three-way duel between 2012 winner, Jeff Lavelle; 2011 winner, John Parker; and Will Whiteside in Race 33. We know all three have a competitive spirit. This should be very exciting for Sport Class fans.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - February 2013

Off Season - History

By Marilyn Dash

Looking forward to seeing the Lewis Air Force flying again soon (Tim Adams)As many of you know, I’m fascinated by aviation, history, science and the direction and sequence of how things came to be. Because of that, I have been doing a “This Day In History” or “This Day In Science” bit every day. I believe we take for granted so many things around us with little thought of how these items came to be. So, while things are slow in the aviation off-season, I thought it would be fun to share some of the “Things we’ve learned from NASA.”

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - January 2013

Aviation Events in 2013

By Marilyn Dash

Big things are happening this year in aviation. Before we get too far into the new year, I wanted to help you plan your vacation time. So, get out your Ruby Aviation calendar ( and a pen and let’s get started.

Reno Air Races

Reno Air Races action, where else can you see racing Mustangs. (Anthony D. Taylor/ number one to air race fans will be the 50th Annual National Championship Air Races, which will be held Sept. 11-15, 2013. If you only make one event this year, I am pretty sure this is the one to make.

The planning has started to have many old-time racers in attendance. I will continue to include updates as plans become more solid throughout the year. But, circle this one, and consider coming for the entire week. Qualifying starts on Monday, Sept. 9, 2013.

With all the rumors floating around for the last few years about this being the final Reno, if your bucket list contains “Race at Reno,” you need to go to the Pylon Racing Seminar (PRS), aka Rookie School. This will likely be held the week of June 10. You need to attend PRS if you want to race, so in order to check off that box on your bucket list you will need to be here in June to be there in September. 

I should also mention that I don’t believe the rumors; I didn’t believe the rumor about the Mayans either – and they were wrong too.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - December 2012

That is one Fast Glasair …

By Marilyn Dash

Jeff LaVelle rounding the pylons in his Glasair III. (Bruce Croft / my commitment to cover all of the Race Classes at Reno, not just the Unlimiteds, I wanted to introduce you to Jeff LaVelle, the 2012 Sport Class Gold Champion and his Glasair III.

A seemingly mild mannered Glasair III, one that looks remarkably like the others you may see each weekend flying to the next $100 Hamburger location. However, this one is special – very special. But all that is special is on the inside.

Jeff LaVelle, like so many other race pilots, started out racing something else, for him it was motorcycles. He always had a competitive spirit that made him look for ways to improve. He became a pilot about 20 years ago and later attended the Reno Air Races, setting his sights on competing there.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - October 2012

The Return to the Races

By Marilyn Dash

We expected it to feel different, and it did. We expected it to be more difficult, and it was. But we never expected it to be so cathartic.  At least I didn’t.

The week started out earlier than usual. Racers were to be on the field by noon on the Saturday before the races. This is by far the earliest we were told to be there. But we were there and we were together.

It was good to see some of the new aircraft, new paint jobs, new owners, etc.  And, of course, it was good to see all the new rookies and our old friends. Lots of hugs were exchanged and stories were shared about the off-season and how most of us were absolutely certain we wouldn’t be standing there – but we were.

Before I review the races, I wanted to share a quote from Tim Cone, rookie Sport Class racer, “What do they call the pilot who places LAST in the Bronze heat of a Reno Air Race? An Air Racer!” – And he’s right! Congrats to all the racers and especially the rookies.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - September 2012

Reno Air Racing Prep - 2012

By Marilyn Dash

Keeping up with the news surrounding the Reno Air Races this year has been exhausting. Racers and fans alike have so many questions, i.e., are we racing, what changes will we see, who will be there, who won’t, will the fans notice any changes? These are all good questions. I hope that I have, through this column, helped everyone understand what the process has been following the horrific event of September 16, 2011. I have tried to listen to the questions the fans have been asking and answer them here.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - August 2012

Let’s Go Racing

By Marilyn Dash

First the GREAT news!

As we are going to press today, we received word that we are in fact racing in September. The much publicized shortfall of $1M towards the event insurance was eradicated when the NCOT (Nevada Commission on Tourism) came forward to provide the final $600,000.

This was the last hurdle to racing in September. All of the waivers, permits, and requirements have been satisfied and now the final checkbox has been ticked, and we are on the road to Reno!

Reberry’s new racer, September Fate (Sherawn Reberry)Other good news includes the addition of a new racer in the IF1 Class. Brian Reberry’s new racer, September Fate, has been completed, tested, approved, and registered to race in September. It has been two years since the first time I saw an artist’s rendering of the racer – and it’s now real and ready.

Reberry was introduced to the Reno Air Races through the late, great Gary Hubler, another Boise, ID pilot and long time IF1 Winner. In 2005, he started racing with N-A-Rush. He sold N-A-Rush and put the time, money and energy into building his new racer. You can see the resemblance in the gear to Tom Aberle’s Phantom, which has dominated the Biplane Class for years.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - July 2012

Rancho Murieta Airshow is BACK!

By Marilyn Dash

Argonaut with the smoke generators - always exciting to watch. (Ken Linde)Twenty-five years ago, the Rancho Murieta Airshow was legendary. This small privately owned airport southeast of Sacramento was centrally located to several military bases. Because of this proximity, during their heyday they were able to attract military acts from Mather, McClellan, and Beale to name a few. Pictures from those days show U2s, B-52s and even an SR-71 making appearances to the delight of crowds.

This year the new airport owner, Bradley Beer, along with Air Boss, Mike Smith joined together with local businesses and airport tenants to bring back the glory days in celebration of Armed Forces Day. With only three months to plan and put on the show, this was a great event all around.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - June 2012

Planes of Fame Airshow Does It Again

By Marilyn Dash

The Planes of Fame Museum held their annual airshow the first weekend in May 2012. This year’s theme was “1942 – Turning the Tide” celebrating the 70th anniversary of our entry and participation in World War II. This is clearly one of the finest airshows in the US. And this year was no exception.

The regular aerobatic acts including Hartley Folstad and Margie Stivers in their Silver Wings Wingwalking performance started the day off with a beautiful “ballet in the sky.” Long time Chino regular, Tumbling Bear followed with his high-energy aerobatic routine in the Zlin. Clay Lacy returned again this year with his Learjet routine which is always fun to watch.

New features this year included fan favorite and award winning performer Sean D. Tucker, who brought his amazing Oracle Challenger III Biplane to wow the crowds. His aerial high-jinx included his signature double hammerhead, centrifuge, helicopter pass and the series of three ribbon cuts, all in different configurations – right knife edge, left knife edge and inverted.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - May 2012

State of the Races

By Marilyn Dash

Waiting for September (Mike Arnold)On April 10, the NTSB presented their preliminary recommendations during a well-attended Press Conference at the Reno Tahoe Airport. Unable to attend in person, I was able to view the on-line version. I will say, the first time I really believed we were racing in September was after I heard the words of NTSB Chairperson, Deborah Hersman, state, “We are not here to put a stop to air racing, we are here to make it safer.”  With those words, I saw a bright light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.

During the conference, several recommendations were addressed. I will review several here and give my comments.

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The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore The Pylon Place Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - April 2012

Secret Pete Law

By Marilyn Dash

Pete Law tells his tales for the NAG membership.Last month, the attendees of the National Air Racing Group’s annual meeting had a real treat in the form of guest speaker, Secret Pete Law. The aviation engineer has helped nearly every winning unlimited racer and even some sport racers along his amazing career path.

Starting in 1959 at Lockheed when Law worked on the F104 program he was immediately identified as someone worth knowing, and quickly recruited by Ben Rich to join Lockheed Skunk Works. To be brief, Pete is a specialist in heat transfer and systems. Commonly referred to as “ADI” in the air racing community, it is much more than that.

ADI stands for Anti Detonation Injection. Detonation occurs when a fuel/air charge within a cylinder ignites by something other than the sparkplug. The flame front in the burning charge collides with the flame front initiated by the sparkplug. Where this collision occurs, the pressure rises much higher than would normally occur when the cylinder is firing properly. The added pressure has a runaway effect, causing the fuel/air in that zone to burn so rapidly as to appear to detonate. The pressure spike caused by this can damage pistons, valves, connecting rods, etc.

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