Candidates Need to Focus on General Aviation Benefits


Contributes $150 billion to U.S. Economy/Employs 1.3 million

In advance of tomorrow night’s second presidential debate, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) is encouraging both President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney to focus on the vital role that aviation plays in the U.S. economy.

“The general aviation industry employs 1.3 million people and contributes more than $150 billion to the U.S. economy,” said NATA President and CEO Thomas Hendricks. “It’s important that our leaders recognize the massive job-creating role of general aviation. Aviation is the critical component that connects the U.S. economy and we simply cannot take it for granted or use it for partisan political purposes.”

Hendricks comments follow a statement in the first Presidential debate by President Obama erroneously implying that general aviation received unfair tax breaks.

“Without question, general aviation pays its fair share of taxes, but clearly both candidates need to focus on the more important issue: our significant contribution to the U.S. economy,” continued Hendricks. “When the U.S. economy comes roaring back, general aviation is going to be playing an important role in the front lines.”

“I am hopeful that as both candidates participate in tomorrow night’s town hall debate they will take the opportunity to highlight the invaluable services that the general aviation community provides to the U.S. and global economy now and moving forward,” concluded Hendricks.


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