FAA Puts Sleep Apnea Policy on Hold

Agency Plans Stakeholder Discussions

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced it will put its controversial sleep apnea policy on hold, opting instead to work with stakeholders to find a more acceptable way to address concerns about undiagnosed sleep disorders in pilots.

Federal Air Surgeon Fred Tilton contacted AOPA Thursday, Dec. 19, to say that the FAA would not move forward with implementing the policy, which is a reversal from statements made on Dec. 12 when the FAA said the policy was a “process enhancement” and would move forward in January.

“This is an important win for the aviation community, and we appreciate the FAA’s willingness to step back from its previous position, open discussions with stakeholders and find a better path forward,” said AOPA President Mark Baker. “We look forward to collaborating with the FAA to resolve their safety concerns in a way that makes sense.”

AOPA has vocally opposed the policy, which would require sleep apnea testing, and if necessary treatment, for all pilots with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. Under the policy, testing would later expand to include more than 120,000 pilots with a BMI of 30 or greater. Air traffic controllers also would be affected.

The issue was discussed during a Dec. 18 meeting between AOPA’s Baker and FAA Administrator Michael Huerta. On Dec. 12, Baker wrote to Huerta urging him to withdraw the policy and use the rulemaking process to develop any new requirements regarding sleep disorders.

Thursday’s announcement does not affect a bill that would force the FAA to use the rulemaking process before implementing any new policy related to sleep disorders. That measure has passed out of committee and is ready to move through the full U.S. House of Representatives.

The decision not to move forward with the sleep apnea policy also comes just one week after introduction of a bill that would significantly expand the driver’s license medical standard, allowing more pilots to fly more types of aircraft without going through the time consuming and sometimes costly third-class medical certification process.

To learn more, visit www.aopa.org


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