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Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

What's Up?

OK, One More Time

By Larry Shapiro

Jot this down, it may be on the final.  I’ve said this so many times through the years but it keeps coming up, so, I am going to say it again.  But first, after all the years I have inhabited this earth I have come to this conclusion.  There isn’t one job, profession, avocation, hobby, marriage, friendship that doesn’t require some kind of salesmanship… absolutely none.  Want me to say that again?  I won’t, just read it again.

Now back to that question that may be on the final: If you know me at all, either by reputation, friendship, or a business relationship such as being a client or customer of our humble, meager, and struggling business you must have heard me say this more than once.  You can’t sell anyone an airplane! If you do or try to you have to lie, cross your fingers, or be really desperate to make the deal.

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