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Heaven's Landing Celebration
Featured Annamarie Buonocore Featured Annamarie Buonocore

Heaven's Landing Celebration

Heaven’s Landing Invites Public to Celebration Airshow & Concert June 25

A year ago, Clayton, county seat of northeast Georgia’s Rabun County, planned a “Skywalk Celebration,” a festival commemorating the 40th anniversary of hi-wire great Karl Wallenda’s crossing of nearby Tallulah Gorge, and asked Heaven’s Landing, its picturesque fly-In community, if they could provide the venue and a fly-over for the finale of the concert. Mike Ciochetti, who heads up Heaven’s Landing, said, “We turned that fly-by into a whole airshow, and it went really well. Everybody had fun.”

It went so well, in fact, that this year, Heaven’s Landing is going to host a second-year event. Last year, it was an adjunct to the county’s celebration; this year, Ciochetti says, “Everybody had such a good time that we’re making it an annual event, sponsored by Heaven’s Landing. We’re providing something for the county to do, as well as for our guests and neighbors.”

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