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Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

What's Up?! - April 2010

M O R  E  W O R D S!

Larry Shapiro and KatanaBy Larry Shapiro

The first thing that came to mind as I began to write this column was exactly what you would think I would write about and you’d be wrong.  There will be no IRS jokes, no April Fools jokes, instead, and I might add, highly inspired by the recent Academy Awards Show, a short/brief attempt at a screenplay description of what has transpired since my March column. Remember, no jokes but a reminder that life itself can be very funny.

This will be a short story about the aftermath of a plane crash and how it affected a small community, the airport community, and an even larger community.  The communities will be named at a later column but for now we will refer to them as:  PA, East PA, and MP.  There, now that takes care of that.
First we need a working name for this S-Play.  Let’s see, Post Mortem, naaah, to morbid.  Miracle on Beech Street, I think that’s been used before.  How about Casablanca? I’ve always loved that name and it hasn’t been used for years, plus, it really works here and I can spell it. Okay, Casablanca it is.

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