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Tomorrow at Planes of Fame
News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Tomorrow at Planes of Fame

This Saturday Education Director Brian Finnegan will talk about the Boeing PT-17 Stearman and pilot Pete Blood will climb aboard for a flight over the Museum.

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Update from Planes of Fame
News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Update from Planes of Fame

The Planes of Fame ‘Outdoor Experience’ starts Saturday, May 30, 2020! Over an acre will be available for visitors to stretch their legs and enjoy viewing our historic aircraft.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet

By Donia Moore

From Here to…

The Colonel and Betty Jo. (Courtesy of Don Kindred)On Dec. 5, 1941, Colonel Robert E. Thacker, or “The Colonel,” as friends and admirers know him, was ordered to fly a new B17 E bomber from Seattle to his home base in Salt Lake City. A pilot in the Army Air Corps, the El Centro native had flown many aircraft, but never in the pilot seat of a B17. His commanding officer brushed that aside. In addition, the navigator assigned to his crew was so recently graduated that he still wore his cadet uniform. He was younger and less experienced than the Colonel. They took off on a cold, crisp, star-studded night flight over the southwest to test their skills before heading to Salt Lake and ended up in Tucson overnight due to snowy weather conditions.

The top general in the Army, General George Marshall woke them unexpectedly the next morning. With no warning or explanation, he ordered them to attach themselves to a flying convoy of 13 other bombers headed to the Philippines via Hawaii. None of the planes were armed. The Colonel called Betty Jo, then his wife of nine months, to tell her of his change of orders. The crew didn’t even have time to pick up their cars or their laundry before they had to leave. Betty Jo and a girl friend drove all night through the deep snow of Donner Pass, from their home in Salt Lake City to Hamilton Field, 20 miles north of San Francisco. When the military wouldn’t let her on the base, she cried until they gave in. After dinner with him at the Officer’s Club, she watched him taxi out to the runway, not knowing when she would see him again. He flashed his landing lights at her during takeoff to say goodbye.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Remote Runways: Missionary Aviation from a Pilot’s Perspective

By Yayeri van Baarsen

Where they fly, there is often no go-around, extremely sloped landing strips consist of nothing more than dirt road, and runways might double as the towns main street. Meet the hardcore heroes of jungle flying: bush pilots.

Joe Hopkins with the Shell Plaza Plane and oil derrick in the background. (Courtesy Joe Hopkins)Papua New Guinea, Honduras, and the Philippines are just three of the more than 40 countries Joe Hopkins, founder of Mission Safety International, has flown in. With decades of experience, he has also trained many other pilots in jungle and bush flying, where morning dew can make the already short landing strips as slippery as ice, and the sudden drop off in the ravine might be only a couple of hundred feet away.

“I’ve landed in humid areas in Honduras where when putting on the brakes, it felt like I was speeding up. Pumping the brakes and having crosshatched tires helps, but the most consequential instrument is a pilot’s state of mind and good judgment,” Joe said. Pre-planning and keeping contact with the missionary in the village about the state of the runway are also of vital importance. “If there’s just one inch of standing water, it’ll be all over your windshields, obscuring your vision, but you can probably still land relatively safely–I’ve done so. However, if the water is two to three inches deep, which looks the same from the air, there will be too much drag on the wheels, causing a tailwheel to easily tip over,” he explained. Being a missionary pilot is not for the fainthearted. 

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Flights of Mercy – Liga International

From Saddles to Cessnas, Liga International Flying Doctors of Mercy are Changing Lives 

By Donia Moore

Pilot Volunteer Tim Murphy and friends. (Courtesy of Liga)A train trip through the dusty Sinaloa desert of Mexico gave birth to the idea, which became Liga (League) International (Flying Doctors of Mercy). When physician, Iner Sheld Ritchie, traveled to Mexico City from the U.S. to treat then-President Abelardo Rodriguez in the 1930s, he noticed great illness and suffering as he passed through the country of the Yaqui Indians, some of Mexico’s poorest residents. He discussed the situation with the President, who offered help. Dr. Ritchi’s idea grew during his three-month long “vacation” horseback trips into Sinaloa, Sonora, and Baja, California to treat his impoverished “patients.” Word of his healing expeditions went the rounds of his medical colleagues, and it wasn’t long before he had a cadre of physicians joining him to help. Liga was on its way.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore


By V. Feyling

As I get suited up, I can feel my heart racing and the butterflies starting to flutter. To start off this New Year, my boyfriend and I decided to take an adrenaline jump of a lifetime. We hop in and I soon realize, there is no turning back–I’m going to jump out of this plane. 

I can feel the forced smile on my face as my skydiving instructor, Sean, rotates the GoPro towards me and says, “You excited?”

All snug in this tiny little aircraft, I look out the window in fear, focusing on the absolutely stunning Santa Barbara horizon.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Editorial: Crisis of Confidence

By Ed Downs

The crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 has left the entire aviation community stunned and horrified.  It is becoming increasingly clear that this terrible loss of life was not the result of an accident, but of murder.  It is also being disclosed that the co-pilot who perpetrated this mass murder was mentally unstable, and that a large number of individuals knew that.  How can such a thing happen?

First, and most importantly, the staff of In Flight USA extends our sympathies and prayers to the families and friends of those lost.  Such words are appropriate, but we understand they are completely inadequate.  We are so sorry.  The entire aviation community is looking inward to see how such a tragedy can be avoided in the future.  Sadly, this is not the first time a flight crew member has taken the lives of innocent passengers while trying to satisfy a raging desire to “get even” by ending their own lives and the lives of innocent others.  Suicide remains a difficult problem in many societies, as medical experts try and figure out why it is that seemingly rational people having no connection to any form of “suicide culture” feel that taking their own life is somehow a solution to supposed unsolvable problems.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Buddypilots, Redefining General Aviation Management

Buddypilots is aweb platformfor pilots, aircraft owners andGeneralAviation organizations.Flying is an amazing passion. For some pilots, it’s an opportunity to see our world from a new perspective, for others, it is a convenient way to travel and discover distant destinations. However, one thing is common to every pilot and aircraft owner; the pain caused by the overwhelming amount of preflight and post flight tasks, regulation complexity coupled with the increasing price of aviation.

A company named Buddypilots Aviation aims to solve these issues altogether. The Montreal based company has regrouped an international team to develop a powerful web platform for General Aviation. Available anywhere at any time, Buddypilots platform offers integrated tools to pilots, aircraft owners (single owner or partner) and organizations (flight schools, FBOs and flying club).

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Interview With Astronaut, Chris Hadfield

By Shanon Kern

The following is an interview by In Flight USA reporter, Shanon Kern, with astronaut and author, Chris Hadfield. Chris started in general aviation at age 16 and has flown nearly every aircraft available. He currently has a book, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life, on the New York Times Bestseller List.

SK: Over the last couple of years, you’ve kind of given the world a front-row view of space and what it’s like to be an astronaut. What made you decide to put everything out on social media?

CH: I served as an astronaut for 21 years. I’ve always felt that a really vital part of the job was to share the experience, not to keep it to myself. So, through the whole 21 years, I used all the technology I could think of to share it. I used ham radio. I used Castle Blends 70 mm film and Imax movies. I spoke in thousands of places in person, but it wasn’t until my third space flight that social media was invented. That was when we had connectivity. The space station is not the best place all the time, but it has Internet connectivity. So you could take a picture and often within a few minutes share it with the world, so it was really just a continuation of what I’d been doing for 20 years, and I was doing my absolute best to use the technology that existed to share a really rare human experience. It’s just been amazing to see the result of that work.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

EAA Clears Confusion Over Training in Restricted Category Aircraft

Uncertainty surrounding flight training in restricted category aircraft, and potentially experimental exhibition aircraft, has been clarified following EAA efforts to reach out on behalf of those who own these unique aircraft and train pilots to fly them.

EAA received reports from specialty aircraft examiners of restricted category aircraft that the FAA was considering policy changes that would prohibit the aircraft from being used for initial type rating exams, recurrent proficiency exams, and other flights necessary to operate as pilot in command of the aircraft. The restrictions would have put owners in the awkward position of not being able to qualify pilots to fly their unique airplanes.

While aircraft in the restricted category are generally not associated with EAA members, such as agricultural and firefighting aircraft, any policy change could have an unintended effect on experimental exhibition category aircraft, including warbirds and unique vintage airplanes.

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