What's Up?! - September 2010

So here’s the thing!

By Larry Shapiro

I know as you read this you will be thinking, has Shapiro gone nuts again?  Naaah, it’s just that I have said this so many times I keep hoping it will stick.  Semi-crashed or destroyed airplanes are worth more when parted out rather than fixing and trying to sell them.

I feel the same way about tired, worn out high-time trainers.  When you pass 10,000 hours as a trainer, it might be time to head for the junkyard. The doors and wings are worth lots and as a rule, we won’t accept an airplane that old to sell and especially to a zero-time buyer.  If some high-time dude wants one, that’s a different story.  He’ll know what he’s getting into. As the saying goes, “Ya gotta know when to fold them” before they fold.

There are many more circumstances in this area that I’d be willing to explore with you, but please, no attacks; this is my opinion based on a million years experience. Call me and vent or email me if you need to be heard. Or, write a letter to my editor and it will be published if it has any redeeming value.

Give it away!

If the above doesn’t light your fire, try this one; Give your airplane away if it has reached that point of “no return.”  It’s too dangerous to dump it in the ocean and swim home, plus, we don’t have the right kind of floods out here, and when was the last time you took your family out on a family Hurricane Picnic or Typhoon?

Donations are great!

 There are many organizations that will give you the needed paperwork to write off your treasure for more than it’s worth.  Of course, there are those that give away perfectly good machines because, because, because, aaaaaaaaah, oh yes because they can!

Last word on this, (for now) there are many groups that need working airplanes for work in saving our planet. Lighthawk comes to mind.  They have some of the most dedicated pilots and donated planes that are doing Mother Nature’s work saving this lump we exist on.

Finally, as a great fundraiser for your local pilot’s group or chamber of commerce, have a plane smash. Sell tickets, buy some sledgehammers, get out the cameras, call the press and let the public have had it.  Those involved in divorces or have teenagers usually buy the most tickets.

Don’t pull the chute!

Okay, you knew I’d have something to say about the flight attendant who flipped out on the Jet Blue Fight last month.  So here’s the thing: I wish I had done it, at least just once.  Here’s what he and I didn’t know.  Better get a pencil, it’s a long list.  With thanks to my BIL (brother-in-law, for those of the non-texting generation) 767 Captain: The chute repack can run as high as $10K, maybe more.  It will or can results in cancelled flights costing the airlines tons of bucks and pissing off other passengers.

It irks the crap out of the other ramp aircraft crews that are now delayed. G-d, I mean the Captain gets a Red Light and can’t taxi.  Did I mention the slide might get sucked up in to an engine?  Let’s see, the cost of the chute, now maybe the cost of an engine, how are we doing so far?

Regulations, what Regulations?

Okay, now the other side of the story. The passenger didn’t ask for help! Next, the flight attendant forgot about CRM, Crew Resource Management.  There were many other assets available and he didn’t use any of them.  I believe there is something in Part 91:13 in a heavy book called FARs about careless and reckless something or other… please don’t quote me.

So what’s my bottom line: At first, I loved this guy, but now I’m thinking I won’t invite him to my next party … I think he made us all look bad instead of good.

California’s Ugliest Airplane!

Moving right along…  so the buyer of the ugliest airplane in California shows up to get his newly bought airplane. Everything goes well, really well.  We liked him and his niece so much we had them stay at our home.

He came, flew his airplane, busted some air space, got “violated” (i.e. grounded), his wife went to the ER with possible problems with expectant twins and he’s now facing a 100-mile an hour flight home, which should get him there by the twins’ first birthday.

Being of way too much body and an equal amount of common sense, we (me and my BFFL – aka wife) told him to go home and boil water.  The airplane can wait; we can ship it as hazardous waste or just keep it. 

Kimberly hit the computer, found some cheap tickets, sorry, that’s an oxymoron, cheaper tickets, to get him home.

Common Sense!

You can put common cents in the bank but common sense and priorities have to be first.  I can’t say the trip was wasted. I think we sold him our business and he won’t have to change the towels: his last name is the same as our first name.  We are executing a long close on this deal… five years.  Yes, the airplane is still available and we need a buyer with a sense of humor.  BTW, it really does fly great.

Ya’ll come!

I am hoping that 9/11/20 will be an opportunity for me to meet some of you. This is another invitation to have you come out to PAO and celebrate the world of aviation with us. Young Eagle rides for the kids, a very cool formation fly bye, and much, much more are in store.  Even though we’ve got lots to eat, bring a picnic and your whole family and spend the day at the beautiful Palo Alto Airport.  We’re walking distance from the bay, the birds and many more surprises.  Remember, the Palo Alto Airport is located just 20 minutes north of San Jose and 30 minutes south of San Francisco.

One more time!

On the 25th of September, “Take Flight” will again take place at the Reid Hillview Airport. This is a major aviation event focused on the kids.  Just like our event, it’s a free and open gate – the way it should be. For more information email dean@dmccully.com.  Speaking of which, hats off to Dean McCully, a truly amazing man with the energy of ten men.

Spiritual Time

September is a very spiritual time for me personally.  I reflect on the gifts I enjoy everyday.  I work at a great place with great people. I have the gift of a landlord that tolerates the thousands and thousands of people that trample her ramp trying to find me either to punch my lights out or give me hugs.  Every now and then there’s the visitor who claims I’m his or her father and they are usually my age. Of course she has to endure me and my weird sense of humor.  I’ve never publically thanked Pat Roy but I’m doing it now because it’s time.  I know Pat; I still owe you ice cream.

I have great friends and a truly weird family.  I have survived five kids, three of the grand kind, two spoiled dogs and a 90-year-old mother who won’t quit wind surfing or playing slot machines. 

I also have a magical spiritual leader in my life, a truly great man I’ve known since he was a child back in the state capitol.  Rabbi Nat Ezray has been my conscious and sounding board for many years and has even flown with me, an added joy and experience shared with him and his son Ethan. To you Rabbi, Todah Rebah and Happy New Year to you and your family and to the all of the families that will be observing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur along with me this month, a safe and healthy wish for the New Year!

The Troops! ! !

Keep them in your minds and hearts; let’s get these heroes home and home soon!




A Bird's Eye View of Northeastern Washinton State Via Triking


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