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 In Flight USA Articles

News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

It's Starting: GA Asked to Absorb FAA Budget Shortfalls

General aviation is wearing the target as the FAA looks for revenue, with the agency appearing to be readying a plan to add burdens on recreational aviators with increased costs for a variety of activities. This is occurring even after the Congress enacted legislation that enabled the FAA to fully fund air traffic services.

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Annamarie Buonocore Annamarie Buonocore

The Pylon Place - June 2013

Another Great Planes of Fame Airshow and PRS Preview

By Marilyn Dash

Five P-38 Lightnings in Formation – Amazing. (Rob “Phred” Miller)Ignoring the naysayers, Planes of Fame goes right ahead and puts on an amazing airshow – again. Nearly 40,000 people were in attendance to witness history and a terrific show.

This year, the airshow celebrated the history of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. There are only seven airworthy P-38s in the world today, and five of them were in the skies over the Chino Airport. Another P-38 on display, a photo-recon variant, made up the sixth P-38 at the show that weekend.

The formation of five was breathtaking. I don’t think we’ll ever see something like that again, sadly.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Surrounded By Thunder-The Story Of Unsung Heroes Who Made Space Travel Possible

From America’s first satellite Explorer I, through Apollo and putting the first man on the moon, aeronautical engineer Darrell Loan had a hand in them all! Surrounded by Thunder: The story of Darrell Loan and the Rocket Men (Inspire on Purpose Publishing), by Tom Williams, tells the true story of this extraordinary man, his family, friends and colleagues, and of a time not to be forgotten in America’s history - a time that has never been surpassed and that truly was and always will be, Surrounded by Thunder.

Only twelve years separated the launch of the Russian satellite Sputnik and Americans landing on the moon, but during those golden years of space exploration the most fearless aviators ever climbed aboard the most dangerous creations ever assembled to rocket into space and claim a true pinnacle of human achievement. Information on the mission dates, the astronauts, and many of the unforgettable characters that made up this account of America’s race for space and then to the moon are all factual; however, thanks to the author’s talent for gripping storytelling, this historical narrative reads more like an incredible science-fiction adventure.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Contrails: Busting Sod

By Steve Weaver

Lewis Field in 1969 (Steve Weaver)From my present perch of experience and years I sometimes think about the early days of my flying career and I have to say I often give myself goose bumps with the recollecting. Casting my thoughts back and reliving some of the dumb things I routinely did with airplanes in those halcyon days, I wonder how I could have gotten away with it. I shouldn’t have, you know.

One of the things that give me shivers is recalling the airports that we were flying from during this period. I wonder what in the world I was thinking when I flew the airplanes that I did from the short grass strip that was our runway at Lewis field where we ran the flying school. The strip was 1,600-feet long, with the ends stoutly defined by fence posts and barbed wire, so there were never negotiations available about the boundaries when summer pushed the density altitude up.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Study Calls for Consolidating, Closing More Than 100 Air Traffic Control Facilities

Plan would save $1.7 billion initially plus $1 billion annually.

As the Federal Aviation Administration prepares to close 149 air traffic control towers as part of more than $600 million in spending cuts required by the sequester, a new Reason Foundation study shows how the FAA could save $1 billion a year by consolidating air traffic control centers and Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facilities.

More than 45 percent of U.S. air traffic control centers and 39 percent of TRACONs are over 35 years old. Instead of spending money upgrading these old and often isolated air traffic facilities, the Reason Foundation plan shows how air traffic control operations could be merged into large hubs that would guide air traffic throughout regions of the country.

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When Skip Soars, Summer Airshow Season Is Here
News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

When Skip Soars, Summer Airshow Season Is Here

The name “Skip Stewart” has become synonymous with summer airshow excitement! Gracing the cover of In Flight USA, with photography by Tyson Rininger, is airshow performer Skip Steward in his infamous Prometheus.

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News Annamarie Buonocore News Annamarie Buonocore

Contrails: Bending Metal

By Steve Weaver

The one occasion where the retail worth of the plane in which Weaver was flying was rapidly and substantially reduced. The Ercoupe was later repaired and flown by Joe-Joe for another 20 years. (Courtesy of Steve Weaver)In recent years, even I have had to acknowledge that I have entered, albeit reluctantly, the category of the mature airman. As such, I have joined the ranks of those with a successful (read survived) flying history spanning fifty years or so and it is natural for the August members who inhabit this strata to be occasionally asked by our younger brethren about things that they consider worrisome in their own flying career.  Crashing would be one.

How many times, they will ask, have I been involved in occasions where the retail worth of the airplane I was flying was rapidly and substantially reduced?

It’s a complicated question to answer, especially if you take the Clinton-esque approach to it and say it depends on what your definition of crashing is. I choose to do that, since it reduces my record of shame by 50 percent if I don’t count flying the Super Cruiser through the top of a large oak tree as a crash. My point there being that the airplane did not come to a complete stop, which I maintain is a basic requirement for a certifiable airplane crash.

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